Innkeeper's Journal Document in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Innkeeper's Journal

Traveling to Lugdunum, the party explored a destroyed Roman Way Station. Among the damaged and burned-up buildings they found an inn with the first floor partially intact, and behind the counter, protected by the elements from their storage cubby holes, they found the journal of the innkeeper. The last page had some text that the party found interesting:  
I thought, when the Legion passed us three days ago, it was the last I would see of them for some time. They said they were bound for Lugdunum, to take it back from whatever forces have conquered it. Seeing them pass by, in rank after rank, I was fairly certain that the next message we received would be that Lugdunum was back in Roman hands.   Instead, just a couple of days later, a detachment of legionaries arrived with three very sick-looking soldiers. The men were sweating and red-faced, and shaking terribly. The legionaries asked if we could care for the sick men, while they returned to the battle. One was an elf, and two were humans. We had no guests at the time, so Albina and I had them put the men into three of the guest rooms. Albina said she would care for them, and the legionaries paid us 48 denarii, with the promise of more upon their return.   The men have been growing sicker and sicker since they arrived. Two would not take food from the start, and the other (the elf) has stopped taking food today. All three seem to be wasting away, losing weight at an alarming rate – they are noticeably thinner than they were two days ago. Their skin seems to be getting redder as well, almost as if they have been lying in the sun – except they have been in their rooms the whole time. Their hair is also falling out – Albina has found much of it on their pillows.   I do not know what this sickness may be, but I am growing concerned that it may be contagious. The soldiers insisted they did not know what caused this sickness, but I overheard one of them saying that these men had been “stricken by the blue ones.” I know not what that means. When I asked for details, they refused to speak of it, and shortly after this they departed to return to their units. It seems a great battle is raging to the north, and they were needed back at once.   I will continue to care for these sickened soldiers, but I worry that they may not make it much longer. They seem incredibly weak. And I am concerned about what the army will do if they return and find out that the men who they left in my care have died.
Authoring Date

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