Lugdunum Settlement in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Lugdunum was a Roman stronghold along the border between the Empire's interior provinces, and the tributaries of Skolgralfheim and Ljosalfheim. The region, called collectively Lugdunensis by the Romans, was administered by Procurator Lucius Mesienus Temerarius, a former Consul under Empress Atratina. Lugdunum served as the seat of Mesienus Temerarius' government.


No known survivors


Lugdunum is more of a military stronghold than a regular Roman town. As such, it is controlled directly by the Procurator, who is also in command of the garrison. There is no town Assembly because it is not a regular Roman city.


Lugdunum had a 20' high, 5' thick stone wall, with gated entrances, and a garrison of two Cohorts of Roman soldiers.


Lugdunum was not exactly a typical Roman town. It was a large fortress that held a number of inhabitants (about 1,000 -- mostly Plebians and Paupers who serviced the army) and two Cohorts of soldiers who were responsible for patrolling the countryside and keeping the roads free of banditry. Ordinarily a large area such as Lugdunensis would have required a full Legion for protection, but because the Elves maintained fairly good order throughout their wooded lands, the Empire saw no need to keep such a large force in Lugdunum. This arrangement worked for over 400 years. In AUC 2098, Emperor Valerian determined that Lugdunum would be made into a regular Roman town, but before his orders could be put into effect, Lugdunum was mysteriously destroyed.   No one knows exactly what happened to Lugdunum. Initially there was simply no word from the place, and couriers sent to it never returned. Eventually, an entire Legion was sent north to secure the area. On the way there, Aarakocra scouts from the air reported that the place was in ruins, and this information was conveyed back to the Empire. However, the Legion then proceeded forward, and was never heard from again. Subsequently, other towns in the area ceased communications. The Empire then dispatched a force of two full Legions into the area, and these forces also disappeared without ever being heard from again. After this, the new Imperator, Emperor Valerian, now with his forces engaged in the south against monsters in Aegyptus, closed down the northern Imperial border and decreed that no forces would cross it without his express permission. This has left Lugdunum outside the border, in a region now called the "Ravaged Lands" by the locals. Few dare enter this area, and there are rumors that dangerous wild beasts now roam where once the Empire's law and order ruled.


  • Ruins of Lugdunum
    The fortress-town of Lugdunum, as experienced by the party during their exploration of it.

AUC 2098

Outpost / Base
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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