Kuo-Toa Species in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Contrasting with their paunchy shape are their arms and legs, slender and lithe despite their relative shortness. At the end of each limb are broad, distended and partially webbed hands and feet, with four digits on each extremity that terminate in sharp-looking claws. Topping their bodies are bullet-shaped, piscine heads hosting a mouthful of sharp teeth and a pair of bulging silver-black eyes capable of independently swiveling to observe a situation.   The party first encountered these creatures in the Myrkyr Isles, in the depths under Cape Falco, where hundreds of them appear to have built a massive shrine to an unknown turtle-shaped deity.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Their bodies are covered in large purple-gray scales. Coating their rubbery skin and piscine scales was a layer of slippery slime that gave their bodies a glimmering sheen. A stench of rotten fish is exuded by their bodies.

Ecology and Habitats

The Kuo-Toa appear to live in underground caves, possibly filled or partially filled with water. They appear to be at home both walking and swimming.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Kuo-toa have scale-covered, fish-like heads, and mouths filled with rows of sharp teeth. They have large, blubous fish-eyes that seem capable of seeing quite well both in and out of water.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Below the surface.

Average Intelligence


Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Kuo-Toa speak an unknown language, which can only be referred to as "Kuo-Toan."
Average Height
5' to 5'6"
Average Weight
120-160 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Purple with a sheen of slime
Geographic Distribution

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Cover image: by DM-Steven


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