Myrkyr Isles Geographic Location in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Myrkyr Isles

The Myrkyr Isles are a geographically small, but politically important region of the Roman Empire. Originally inhabited by Grey Elves, also known by some as "Moon Elves," this pair of islands is heavily forested, and inhabited by many woodland creatures. There is an Elvish magic about the place, and Fey creatures of the more playful and friendly variety are often seen about the area.   The Grey Elves were independent until AUC 547, at which point the elves, having been impressed with the great civilization the Romans were building, and particularly their Republican form of government, sent delegates to request membership in the Republic. This, the Romans granted, seeing great advantage in bringing a magically potent people with great arcane abilities into their nation. Elves were granted citizenship, and began to take on Roman nomina, while retaining their elvish given names and surnames as praenomina and cognomina, respectively.   As the earliest non-human species to be taken into the Roman Empire, the Grey Elves have long been considered "fellow Romans" by the Hill Folk. These elves, alone among their fey kindred, generally bear a great affection for humans, and enjoy living among them.   The various towns and cities of the Myrkyr Isles are extremely unusual compared to other elvish enclaves, for they are a unique hybrid of the masonry-based Roman aesthetic, and the arboreal Elvish one. Roman-like Insulae (apartments complexes) and domus-style homes are built in the trees, but more regular brick-and-mortar buildings are found at ground level using more standard Roman shapes and designs. Although most settlements in the Isles are predominantly Grey Elven, many humans also live here, finding the cheerful and musical culture of the elves to be pleasant -- along with the mild, generally warm, climate.

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