Legion Military Formation in Tyllus | World Anvil
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The backbone of the Roman military, a Roman Legion is one of the best fighting units in the world. Composed of 5,500 men, Legions consist primarily of infantry, but also usually include two cohorts of cavalry (500 men each), and a century of Aarakocra scouts. Many Cohorts have a small number of magic-users attached, such as clerical healers or sorcerers capable of ranged bombardment.



5,500 soldiers


Standard Legionary equipment includes:
  • 1 full suit of Segmented Armor
  • 1 Large Shield
  • 1 Backpack
  • 15 Days' Rations
  • 2 Waterskins


Standard issue weaponry for Legionarii includes:
  • 1 Gladius (short sword)
  • 2 Javelins
  • 2 Daggers


Each Legion is commanded by a Legate -- a Roman citizen of the Patrician class, often a Senator. Frequently the Legate is also the procurator or proconsul of the province (i.e., the governor directly commands the Legion assigned to protect his area of rule). Each Legate has a second-in-command called a Tribune, also taken from the Patrician class.


The Roman Legion uses multiple formations to achieve tactical victories. Wedge Formation is used to concentrate power in the center and break enemy lines. Single Line Formation sacrifices power in the center to prevent the enemy from flanking. Rolling Up the Line uses extra strength on the right flank to break the enemy's left flank and then attack the enemy from the rear.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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