Letter to Tertia Document in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Letter to Tertia

Below is the text of the letter Tertia received from her friend Albinus, who asked her to sign back up into the army.    
My Dearest Tertia,   It has been years, and I am sure by now you had given me up for dead. There were many times when I gave myself up for it, as well.   As you know, my Century never made it back from our patrol all those years ago in the Letalis Verge. Since my return to the Empire, I have learned that scouts reported we had been ambushed by orcs. This much is true. The Empire believed the entire Century had been killed, although they never found all the bodies. That part is, of course, false.   We were surprised on that mountain trail in the Orphan Peaks by what must have been a thousand creatures, both the orcs and their smaller, craftier brethren, the goblins. We made a good accounting of ourselves, but we were outmatched by ten to one, and eventually, we were overwhelmed. The orcs also had with them some who could manipulate magic -- you were always fascinated by such things, as I remember.   They slew many of our number, but perhaps two dozen lived. We were disarmed, tied up, and marched across the Verge into the Falcatus mountains, where the Orcs had made their camp. They were led by a particularly unpleasant (even for an orc) war chief named Abzuk Flesh-Ripper. They took us into the caves under those mountains, where they had mines, and put us to work there as slaves. They had others -- halflings, and a few gnomes, and even dwarves from the Bluff Lands. We toiled underground, in the deep dark, with little light, and even less food and water, for what seemed like eternity.   But the orcs are not alone down there. Other things lived in those caves, under the mines, and sometimes we would hear sounds of combat and magical spells. Something caused a cave-in once. Half the men captured with me never returned from that mine shaft. After that Abzuk seemed to become spooked, and he decided to move the entire war-band elsewhere. They marched us north, through the forests of the Verge, toward the Unkar Highlands, a journey that took months. It was slow going, and even the war band with hundreds of orc fighters had to be careful. Strange and indescribable things live out there in the Verge, far beyond the civilization of the Empire. I know that Atratina wanted to tame those wilds, but having marched through them for so long, I question whether even the Empire could have brought civilization to that place -- especially after what has happened recently.   Finally, however, the orc warband approached the Highlands, and it seemed like they would make it. But then, out of the forested hills came swarming reptilian creatures the like of which I had never before seen, and frankly, wish never to behold again. They were lizard-like, walking on two legs, as tall as a man, with long tails and reptile-like faces. Many came riding on gigantic lizards larger than horses. The orcs were completely overwhelmed. I managed to grab the battle axe off of one fallen orc, and cut my bonds. Then, by luck, I slipped away into the trees and waited until the sounds of fighting had ended. The lizard creatures built great fires, which from the subsequent smell I took to be cook fires (who would want to eat orc-flesh?). While they celebrated their victory, I made good my escape.   Long months I then spent, dodging the patrols of these lizard-like men, and hunting for small game (an axe is a poor hunting weapon!). Finally, I made it to Cotinum, and the safety of the Empire. A kindly innkeeper and his wife nursed me back to health.   It took some time to recover from my injuries, and to be in a fit state to think what to do next. When I heard what was happening to the Empire, and all the cities that have fallen in my absence, I naturally sent word to the nearest Legion and re-enlisted. Owing to my previous experience, I have been promoted to Tribune, and given command of a cohort in the 8th Legion.   And now we come to the hardest part of the letter, my Tertia. This command requires the best I have to offer, and I need someone to serve as Signifier of the first Century in this cohort. I know that you have returned to civilian life, and you have served longer than anyone could expect. But in this hour, I ask that you consider joining me to help me manage the cohort. We are on the front lines. Amneda, which is not much more than 100 miles from here, has already fallen. If the hammer of the enemy lands here next, I would like the greatest optio in the army here to see to our victory. I hope that you will consider returning to my side.   Yours always,   Albinus   P.S. Marcia, believing that I was dead and she was a widow, married another man two years ago. The governor has ruled that she is to remain his wife, as I was believed dead, and our marriage has been nullified.   Al

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