Ludus Magnus Organization in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Ludus Magnus

The Ludus Magnus, or the Great Gladiatorial Training School, is located in the City of Rome, just across the plaza from the Coliseum. The Ludus Magnus is a training institution for those who wish to compete at the gladiatorial events in the Coliseum. Gladiators can be trained to fight other armed men, or beasts, or both. Any of the fighting classes may find training here. To be accepted into the school, one must commit to competing in at least one gladiatorial event per character level being trained (e.g., a level 6 character attempting to train up to level 7 would need to compete in 7 events). Gladiators may be from the Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, or Monk classes to train here.


The Ludus Magnus is housed in a large building directly across the plaza from the Coliseum. The structure has classrooms, indoor training facilities, a small library, and its own stadium with bleachers for gladiatorial combat training. It also has dorms for those who wish to live on-site while training.

For glory and honor.

Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Alternative Names
Great Gladiatorial Training School

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