Order of Mamercinus Document in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Order of Mamercinus

A plaque found amongst the rubble in the basement of the Lugdunum principia bore a Latin inscription credited to Manius Aemilius Mamercinus. This plaque appeared to have been mounted on the wall leading to a large circular underground fault. The plaque was on the floor beside the broken sections of that wall, and the floor nearby was scorched.   The plaque reads:    
Iussione consulis prioris Manii Aemilii Mamercini: Mortium poenis ingressus civibus Romanis prohibent
  This inscription translates to:  
By order of Consul Prior Manius Aemilius Mamercinus: Entry by Roman citizens is forbidden, on pain of death


The purpose of this plaque appears to have been to keep anyone from opening up the vault under the Lugdunum principia.

Document Structure

Legal status

This plaque constitutes a standing order by a consul of the Roman Republic. Legally, this order expired when Augustus formed the Roman Empire.

Historical Details


According to Cithreth's Journal, this plaque was placed by Consul Prior Mamercinus, who ruled the Republic in AUC CCCXCVII (397).
Authoring Date

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