Ore Dwarf Ethnicity in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Ore Dwarf

Ore dwarves are strong and hardy, accustomed to a difficult life in rugged terrain. They tend toward the tall side for dwarves, and usually have somewhat lighter coloration, although the full range of hair color and skin tone can be found among them. Their homeland is in the mountainous region of Troichtir, including the Klorree Range, the Fodinis Mountains, and the Biorach Range. Each Ore Dwarf city is governed by one primary clan, although other (allied) clans usually live among them. Ore Dwarves have proficiency with light and medium armor, and gain +2 strength in addition to their other racial bonuses.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Amber, Artin, Audhild, Bardryn, Dagnal, Diesa, Eldeth, Falkrunn, Finellen, Gunnloda, Gurdis, Helja, Hlin, Kathra, Kristryd, Ilde, Liftrasa, Mardred, Riswynn, Sannl, Torbera, Torgga, Vistra

Masculine names

Adrik, Alberich, Baern, Barendd, Brottor, Bruenor, Dain, Darrak, Delg, Eberk, Einkil, Fargrim, Flint, Gardain, Harbek, Kildrak, Morgran, Orsik, Oskar, Rangrim, Rurik, Taklinn, Thoradin, Thorin, Tordek, Traubon, Travok, Ulfgar, Veit, Vondal

Family names

Balderk, Battlehammer, Brawnanvil, Dankil, Fireforge, Frostbeard, Gorunn, Holderhek, Ironfist, Loderr, Lutgehr, Rumnaheim, Strakeln, Torunn, Ungart


Major language groups and dialects

Ore Dwarves speak a Western dialect of the Dwarven language. They also speak Common.

Culture and cultural heritage

Ore Dwarves are known for their bravery and their tenacity. They have also historically bridled under Roman rule, disliking the extremely authoritarian nature of Roman law. Traditionally, Ore Dwarf clans were mostly independent, and although they got along, feuds among them were not unknown. In the main, Ore Dwarves wanted to be left alone to mine under the mountains and create things of enduring beauty in stone and metal. The Romans mostly left them to this, but the Ore Dwarves have found the taxation (i.e., tribute) as a way of the Romans extracting wealth from the riches of the Dwarves without doing any of the work themselves.

Average technological level

Ore Dwarves are the great miners of the mountains. They have invented several technologies related to that, including:
  • Steelmaking - Ore Dwarves were the first to discover how to heat-treat high-carbon Iron to make steel.
  • Mithral mining - Ore Dwarves discovered the first veins of Mithral in the Klorree Range, and learned how to craft items from it.
  • Jewel making - Ore Dwarves are known for combining gems and precious metals into unique and beautiful jewelry.

Common Dress code

Ore Dwarves tend to wear sturdy working clothes, including tough trousers and tunics, gloves, and boots. In the mines, they wear helmets for protection against cave-ins. For more formal occasions they tend to wear elaborate robes of several layers. Their everyday dress leans toward earthen tones, whereas formal attire often includes bright colors such as yellows, blues, and reds.

Common Myths and Legends

Ore Dwarves worship the deities of the world under their own customs, which have also been adopted by the gnome and halfling races. They not only have their own names for the gods, such as referring to Jupiter as "The Daghda," or Diana as "Epona," but they also have other legends about, for instance, the relationships among the gods (which ones get along with each other and so forth).
Encompassed species

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