Dwarf Species in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Dwarves are known for being bold and hardy, and for their abilities both in combat and in crafting. Dwarves stand between 4 and 5 feet tall, but are usually much stouter than their far taller human counterparts. They have strength and stamina greater than the other humanoid races, in general. Their skin generally takes earthly tones, such as tans or light browns. Their black, brown, or red hair is often worn long, and the males frequently grow luxurious beards. Dwarves are great builders, and often create massive stonework structures both above and, especially, below ground. They are skilled miners of precious resources such as gems and precious metals. And they are often known as being rather stubborn. They can live for as much as 400 years. According to Dwarven legend, their race was created by the god Goibhnui, whom the Romans call Vulcan.   Dwarves are members of large extended families, known as clans, which are analogous to the gens of the Roman Hill Folk. Each clan is led by a chief, usually an older, experienced dwarf. There are two subraces of Dwarves, the Ore Dwarves and the Bluff Dwarves. Ore Dwarves live on the Iberian Penninsula, in the land of Troichtir, which is more a coalition of clans than it is a true nation. Bluff Dwarves dwell on the other side of the Sundered Sea, in the Bluff Lands, which are full of hills and small mountain ranges. Although the two Dwarven subraces get along reasonably well, there is sometimes disagreement between them, as the Ore Dwarves do not appreciate Roman rule (and have since cast it off), whereas the Bluff Dwarves have been Romanized.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwarves age at about the same rate as humans. However, they are considered "young" until they reach 50 years of age. They live until an average age of about 350, although some can live as long as 400 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Dwarves generally live in mountainous or hilly regions. Some Dwarven cities are fully underground, although most cities have a small above-ground component, which enables commerce with surface races such as humans and Elves.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The mountains and hilly areas of Troichtir in the west, and the highland areas of the Bluff Lands to the east.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dwarves, accustomed to underground life, are able to see well in the darkest of tunnels. They have Darkvision, enabling them to see in dim light within 60 feet as if they are in bright light, and in full darkness as if it were dim light.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

350 years
Average Height
4' to 5'
Average Weight
150 lbs
Related Ethnicities

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