Phase Spider Species in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Phase Spider

Phase spiders are giant, 10' long arachnids with pale silver-blue bodies, and multifaceted eyes. Like their more earthly kin, these creatures are web-builders, and they lurk amongst their webs waiting for prey. However, unlike regular spiders, Phase Spiders were spawned, not in the mortal world, but in the Ethereal Plane, and as such, are intimately connected with it. They have the ability to enter and exit the Ethereal Plane at will, both vanishing from sight and becoming intangible when so shifted. They possess a terrible poison in their chelicerae that is known to cause sickness and even paralysis in weaker prey. The spiders are rare in the mortal world, but have been known to lurk in places where prey is abundant, such as forests and mountain passes.

Basic Information


Phase Spiders are anatomically identical to regular spiders, just enormous and nearly albino in color.

Ecology and Habitats

Phase Spiders live in remote wilderness areas, such as the heart of the Westwood or the slopes of the Sentinel Mountains. They are rare, but not completely unheard of, in the border regions of the Roman Empire.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

More intelligent than a typical animal. They appear capable of planning, and setting ambushes.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Phase Spiders appear to possess the ability to see the mortal world from the Ethereal Plane. Whether they possess other senses is unknown.
Average Length
8-10' Carapace Length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
White or silver-blue in color.

First encountered


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Cover image: by DM-Steven


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