Secret Inscription VIII Document in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Secret Inscription VIII

In a secret chamber under the Temple of the Neptune in Port Draconis, the party found another carving of the woman in ancient armor, with her finger to her bound lips, and her other hand pointing down toward her feet. A paragraph of writing had been carved into the stone below her feet, and a marble stela, or cover stone, was over the top of it. This stone moved when touched in the proper place, revealing the craved writing. The following text was found in Latin:    
But the goddess had been careless, and her congress with Aeneas had left her with child. She knew that if her consort among the gods ever discovered this, he would murder the children as well as her beloved Aeneas. So she returned to the mortal world, heavy with child, and hid herself deep in the forested hills of Latium. When her time was come, she gave birth to twin boys, whom she named Romulus and Remus. Then, needing to resume her role in the heavens, she found a nearby she-wolf with a litter of cubs, and left the babes among them to be nursed by the wolf. And the goddess cast a spell to make the she-wolf her familiar, so she could watch her babes through its eyes, until a local farmer found the boys and brought them home to raise them as his own.


This inscription appears to contain the secret, undocumented history of pre-Imperial Rome.
Text, Religious

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Cover image: by DM-Steven


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