Session 11 - Worms, Snakes, and Undead Report in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Session 11 - Worms, Snakes, and Undead

General Summary

From Hassan's Journal, 9 Martius   Excerpt one
Giant insect worms... That's a far cry from burning or ditching some ruffians in Port Voltur, or even armed orcs in a tower. I really don't like insects, especially when they're waaay too big, and trying to kill me and my friends. We survived, and Laura spoke with the big weasel, I think, to maybe find out where Thiala is. We're headed deeper into the woods towards some kind of hole in a hill..?   Excerpt two
The hole in the hill looks like a temple. There's columns, braziers, a large statue in the middle, and a set of doors embedded in the slope. The braziers had some interesting arcane runes on them -- earth, wind, and fire...the last one was smudged a bit, but sure enough it was water. My brilliant ideas come to me when the dice in my head tumble to a halt. I like the "fire" brazier with a bit of flame, and directed the rest to do appropriate actions with the other three. I saw Bandua taking big breaths and blowing into one, Kleeck tossed some dirt in another, while Laura poured water into the last one. This would be great!   Excerpt three
We almost had our limbs chopped off by that damn statue! Yeah, the doors opened, but that was no excuse for such hostility. I'd been practicing creating illusions that look like me to distract anyone swinging a sword at my guts. Good thing, because this statue was doing just that. I still got hit, but I lived. I heard a lot of dwarven cursing, metal clanging together, while I was ducking out of the way. Some fire, some divine glory, and Laura using the magically crafted weapons we found finally stopped it. At least things couldn't get any worse than that...   Excerpt four
Just inside the doors was a long hallway with a few bodies of people who didn't survive the traps. Yes, there were traps in the damn hallway, but Bandua spotted them before we did something really walking.   Excerpt five
Will this super dark tunnel ever end..????   Excerpt six
Wow, this underground cavern is huge! It's like a living complex that was abandoned centuries ago. We're trying to find out who lived here back then, and it looks like it might have been those lizard creatures. Some living areas, barrows, tombs, waitaminute...what's that sound?   Excerpt seven They were lizard creatures, but man-sized, and they were dead, but they walked, and were sooo not really dead. They were fierce. I think we're tapped out, everyone is tired, and we've only just begun to explore this cavern. The weasel found a scrap of clothing and some blood, both of which looks like it belonged to its owner, or was it Thiala's? I guess we'll find out soon.

Rewards Granted

875 Experience Points

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Minor Milestone: Reach the Shrine of the Elements
  • Major Milestone: Enter the Upper Entryway
  • Major Milestone: Reach the Necropolis

Character(s) interacted with

Erky - Beast Companion of Saral Goodearth
Report Date
08 Aug 2020
Primary Location

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