Rhodanensis Geographic Location in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Rhodanensis is the northwestern-most province of the Roman Empire. Originally, additional territory to the north and west was under Roman control, but in AUC 2098, Lugdunum, the seat of the borderlands, fell to unknown forces. This has made Rhodanensis once again the northwest border of the Empire.   Rhodanensis boasts three primary settlements: the provincial capital of Port Voltur; the village of Cohaeris; and the farming town of Nemasus.


Rhodanensis boasts several major geographical features. It is named for the Rhodanus River, which has its source near Nundina in the northern peaks of the Western Sentinel Mountains. The river forms the western border of the province (and, now, of the Empire). It also has two major forests, the Westood, which is largely wild and untouched, and Viridis Forest, which is used as a source of timber by the people of Cohaeris. The timber is either used in shipbuilding in Port Voltur or is exported from there to other parts of the Empire. The remainder of the province is primarily rolling grassland.

Fauna & Flora

Rhodanensis boasts many different types of trees. The Viridis forest is dominated by oaks and beeches, along with a smattering of hornbeam. The Westwood is dominated by evergreens, including Sentinel Spruce, Silver Fir, Black Pine, and Sentinel Larch.   Rhodanensis also has many different animal species, including dozens of small mammals, hundreds of birds, and many kinds of insects. Several areas are known for having wolves, particularly the lightly wooded banks of the Rhodanus, and in the Westwood.

Natural Resources

The primary natural resource of Rhodanensis is timber. It is also highly arable and there are many farms throughout the area in between the larger settlements.


  • Rhodanensis Province
    A detail map of the northwestern Roman province of Rhodanensis, which is located along the Rhodanus River. Port Voltur is the provincial capital; Nemasus is an agricultural town on the very border of the Empire, just southeast of the River.
  • Ocassis Goblin Mine
    This is a small copper mine run by goblins, who were using local farmers as slave labor. The party killed most of the goblins, and threatened the others so that they would flee the area.

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