Session 34 - Arrival in Ostia Report in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Session 34 - Arrival in Ostia

General Summary

From Laura's journal...
  Aprilis 27 on the boat to Ostia:
We had to wait several days in Turris for a boat to Ostia; it seems that time is of the essence though, so selling the Excursion and moving on was our best play. Prayed a bit at the temple of Dianna while we waited. Kleeck talked to his sister and uncle a time or two and learned that Amneda is under attack. We fear that Ratiaria or Gemenus will be next and are trying to tell any who might have influence on defensive strategy. Kleeck messaged his Uncle Heek and the perfecta of Nemasus.   On the boat, Hassan has become more and more obsessive about finding his mother in Ostia. Kleeck offered to try divining the future for him and they set up their ritual near the front of the boat. I did not catch everything that was going on as Mkali started complaining about being caged again and Ficus kept trying to chew on the hammocks and climb the rigging. I hope we can travel over land from here on out! It seems that Hassan and Kleeck succeed in working very closely together and had a cryptic message from Apollo “Seek and ye shall find”. It seems positive, but I am not sure I would be so over the moon with something that vague. It seemed to take an awfully long time and a lot of ritual for such a short message.   Tertia tried to send letters ahead of us, but as we caught the first boat out of Turris, we may arrive at her family’s home before the letters do. She seems a bit concerned about this, but also thinks we may be able to offer us lodging in her family’s apartment block. I wonder what it would be like- that much family in oh-so-much city. The one she was sending to a friend at the library in Rome will probably get ahead of us through as we are stopping in Ostia.   Maius 3 – with Tertia’s family.
We arrived during the last day of the festival of spring, so there were parades and reveling in the streets. This city is extremely crowded and bustling and apparently that is not due to just the festival. I miss the quiet and trees! Sent Mkali to go hunting round the outside of town. Hassan wandered off the boat and seemed to be following directions from that odd pendant he wears. Tertia quickly gave Kleeck directions to her family’s apartment and he hurried off after Hassan. Bandua and I followed Tertia to her family’s apartments and we waited in the food stall downstairs while she went to see if we could stay with them for a night or two. Apparently, her trepidation was unnecessary as her family has welcomed us with open arms. Some harrumphing from her mother, but it seems that is general rather than anything specific to our visit. The kids are absolutely fascinated by Ficus, and I hope they don’t do him in with loving. I think he has the sense to climb up on something to get away. Tertia, Bandua and Tertias father have gotten into a long-involved discussion of military tactics.   A bit later after Kleeck and Hassan showed up:
“Seek and ye shall find” indeed; it seems we find trouble or the potential of it wherever we go. As a young gnome I never realized how much mess there could be in the world. Apparently, they followed Hassan’s pendant pointing right up to the Antiquities Exchange, where they had some odd run ins including with Egyptian sellers of cats who asked Hassan how he “got away”. No clue what that is about. But apparently Hassan’s mother works in the back at the exchange. She seemed overwhelmed and said they could not talk there, or out in public. Kleeck had to look long and hard at the Antiquities list to keep the proprietor “Silver eyes?” occupied. Anyhow Hassan’s mother gave him the address of an apartment, 221 b Baker Street, and said “come tonight and don’t be seen! You may bring someone you trust”.   Shortly after they returned with this momentous news, some of Tertia’s dad’s compatriots came with the news that Amneda has fallen. We do seem to be under some sort of time pressure as well as a calling to do something about this madness. But family matters first. We are all off to 221 b Baker Street although only Kleeck and Hassan will approach the door. I think I will leave Ficus here to sleep off his afternoon with the children.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Zialle
  • Oswalt Silvereyes - Halfling, representative of the Exchange
Report Date
19 Jun 2021
Secondary Location

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