Turris Settlement in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Turris is a port city and the provincial capital of the Myrkyr Isles province. It is largely populated by Grey Elves who are citizens of the Roman Empire, but also has a large number of human residents. The city is an odd combination of classical Roman architecture -- including paved roads, sidewalks, a forum, an amphitheater, and other land-bound elements -- and Elvish structures, such as homes built up in the trees. Although there are some typical Roman Insulae and Domus structures, the majority of apartments and homes, although bearing some elements of Roman design, are made of wood and built directly out of the branches and leaves of trees, in the classical Elvish way.


60% Grey Elf 
12% Hill Folk 
8% Desert Folk 
6% Aarakocra 
3% River Folk 
3% Bluff Dwarf 
7% Other


Collegium Navitarum - The College of Mariners, is the foremost school of seafaring in the Roman Empire. Courses can be had for both the professional and the recreational sea-goers, ranging from 2 weeks to 2 years in duration. This college is for non-military seafarers only. The military naval academy is located in Port Draconis.   Temple of Diana the Huntress - The primary temple of Turris, this religious edifice is the seat of worship for Diana, the patron deity of the elves, who believe she created them. This temple is headed by Pontifica Lashana Aurelia Caphaxath, a Grey Elf woman of several centuries in age. In mid-Aprilis of AUC 2103, this temple had its votive offerings stolen by an individual or individuals unknown.

Guilds and Factions

Turris contains the primary grove of the Circle of the Moon, Rome's main Druidic Circle.


In addition to classical Roman structures, which are located in the northern half of the city, there are two types of structures one will only see in settlements built by Grey Elf architects: Insulae Arboribus and Domus Arboribus. Both the apartments and the domus are a very odd (to people not used to it) Roman-Elven hybrid in aesthetics. All the typical Roman features are there, but instead of being built square and of stone or brick, they are curved and grown from the living wood of the trees.   Insulae Arboribus ("Apartments in the trees")
These are structures that are grown out of the trees, made of branches woven into each other like intricate giant baskets. The woven structures wind around many trees, supported by the thick lower boughs. Trees grow up and through the center of the apartment "blocks" where a "courtyard" would be in a normal Roman apartment. They are usually only one story, unlike Roman Insulae blocks which are often 3-4 stories. These are built similarly to Roman structures, but are rounded/curved rather than rectangular.   Domus Arboribus ("Houses in the trees')
These are also woven out of the tree branches and leaves, and are rounded versions of Roman domus. Where the domus would have the pool for collecting water beneath an open roof, there is an open roof but instead, a tree trunk passes through the house. The entire thing is arranged around the trunk of the tree, and the branches of the tree grow out and around making floors, walls, as a woven net or mesh of branches. All the normal Roman rooms are there, just with curved walls made of interwoven branches, and with a tree rather than an Impluvium (pool).

Natural Resources

Many of the Grey Elves of Turris are fisher-folk, and they capture many types of seafood for trade with other parts of the Roman Empire. Fish include mackerel, tuna, and eel. The elves also capture crabs (including giant crabs), oysters, clams, and mussels.   Pearl diving is done off the rocky shores northwest of the city.


Turris is a port city in the Myrkyr Isles.
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