Session 7 - A New Friend Report in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Session 7 - A New Friend

General Summary

From Laura's journal:   Martius 3 -Late evening Nemasus
Mkali, Ficus and I arrived just outside Nemasus around 2 PM. I told Mkali to wait outside town and that I would be back by dusk if not earlier, as I did not know how long it would take me to find Bandua, Hassan and Kleeck or what their plans would be. I also told him that I wanted to bring my two-legged friends out to meet him sooner rather than later. Luckily, I found Bandua, Hassan and Kleeck discussing things over a late lunch. So, I joined them, and we exchanged stories of our weeks. Even after I showed them the camouflaged nature of my Greencloak Bandua was glowering at me muttering about unnecessary expenditures. This made me antsy to get them all out to meet Mkali.   It sounds like they had a busy and mostly restful week in town; they had identified some of the items we found in the goblin mine and picked up a commission to investigate the Orc infested tower out west, past the graveyard. There are also rumors that Thiala has gone haring off to the Westwood to tackle some unnatural disturbance there. This is indeed troubling, as when I left with Bandua things were calm and safe there. Even if they were bad rumors about Lugdunum the Westwood was still inside the empire and safe. I had half a mind to insist on going straight to the Westwood, but the others seem to think having the gold from investigating or defeating the orc tower will facilitate travel, as Hassan (and Bandua?) could buy a horse. I really don’t know how he’s going to convince Bandua to buy a horse, but it would speed up travel!   As the discussion digressed into efficiency of travel, I insisted that they come out and meet Mkali. Hassan was funny, making comments about being dragged out of town to meet yet another squirrel; Ficus refrained from comment. We went out the Eastgate and I whistled for Mkali. He came down out of a tree and walked towards us; I don’t know what the others were expecting or quite what their first reactions were as I did have to quickly remind Mkali that these were my friends and introduce them, at which point he started purring and rubbing at me almost knocking me over. This made them more confident about our ability to take on the orc commission, so in the morning we are going to head west.   It is strange how things come back to one; as I write this I am thinking of our cozy dry burrow under the oaks in the Westwood. I know Hassan thinks my talking to the four foots is a bit odd, but as a kid I did not really know that kids came as gnomes, not until we went to Silaxia that time to meet all the family. There were a few other gnomes in the Westwood but none near my age. No… what I knew were the young squirrels and rabbits and deer and bears, the wee ones were easy to talk to and fun to play with, the big ones better watched, learned from, and left alone.   Martius 4. Early afternoon.
It looks like orcs have been using the road west of the graveyard to ambush shipments to the empire including those of Mithral. We found where a set of wagons had been set upon and the shipment of Mithral, except for one small fragment, had been removed. We were not sure it was orcs, and I would have missed it looking by the wagons, but Mkali found a number of black orc arrow shafts by the road. We are about to sneak up on the tower and either figure out the size of the orc party that is there, or do that and clear them out. Hopefully, there will not be many, and we will be able to return to Nemasus tomorrow. I am worried about the state of affairs in Westwood, but seeing this am glad we are attempting to help here as well.

Rewards Granted

150 Experience Points

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Minor Milestone - Discover the orc connection to the ambushed shipments
  • Minor Milestone - Reach the Orc Tower

Character(s) interacted with

Ianthe Kantavros
Numeria Durionia
Report Date
13 Jun 2020
Primary Location

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