Nemasus Settlement in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Nemasus is approximately 70% Hill Folk, 20% Desert Folk, 5% River Folk, and 5% various other races.


The town is led by an Assembly of 50 Decurions (representatives of the Plebian class) which is presided over by Prefect Sextus Satrienus.


Walls: The town is guarded by walls of stone, 5' wide and 20' high. There is one gate in each of the four walls. Gates are guarded and closed at nightfall.   Military: The town has a permanent garrison of 100 soldiers (1 Century), led by Centurion Prima Duronia.


Running Water: Nemasus has an aqueduct that brings water from upland rivers to the town, and a water cistern to retain the water. Running water is piped throughout the city, and each block has a public fountain located on the northeast corner. Homes of Patricians and the first floor of each insula (apartment building) has running water, although upper-floor apartments do not. There is a public bathhouse near the forum.   Sewage: There are public toilets in apartment buildings (one room for men; one for women) on the first floor, and homes of the wealthy also have their own private toilet. Wastewater is collected in underground sewers and transported to the river.   Entertainment: A theater is located north of the forum. Additionally, there is a large oval track (Circus) in a field just outside the eastern wall, around which bleachers are temporarily erected for chariot races and other games an contests.   Roadways: All roads in the city are perfectly smooth and flat, paved with perfectly-fitting sand-colored travertine stone. Sidewalks exist along both sides of the road, raised about six inches above the roadway and paved with sandstone bricks.


Nemasus got its start as a waystation -- a simple forum and a few buildings to enable travelers to rest on their way to and from the Elven or Dwarven lands. The town grew up over time, and eventually the area, which was good for farming, became a major agricultural center. Nemasus stores grain in the Granary and transports it south to Port Voltur for further distribution throughout the Empire.


Nemasus is a classical Roman town. The roads and sidewalks are paved with travertine and sandstone. Most buildings are brick, stone, marble, or concrete construction (or a mix of these techniques). A small number of buildings are made from wood, but these are rare, as the Romans feared fire.


Nemasus sits on a broad, rolling plain, just to the southeast of the Rhodanus River. The Southern Sentinel mountains are just visible on the horizon on a clear day, far to the east. Rich farmland across the bridge north of the river has been used for many years to produce grain.

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