Slaad Species in Tyllus | World Anvil
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A slaad (pl. Slaadi) is a large, toad-shaped creature with sharp claws and the ability to infect its targets with a strange disease. There appear to be at least three variants of Slaad -- red, blue, and green. Each seems to have slightly different abilities. All Slaadi have some form of talons or claws, and the Red and Blue Slaadi (at least) are capable of infecting their targets.   Red Slaadi use a prod from a single talon to inject into the target a small organism that looks like a tadpole, and swims about in the thoracic cavity. The victim does not appear ill, at least at first. What would happen if this tadpole grows to maturity is not certain, although the party found many corpses of Roman soldiers that looked like something had erupted from their chests -- perhaps the tadpoles did this. Party member Laura was infected with such a tadpole, but Kleeck cured her with a Lesser Restoration spell the following day. This spell appeared to kill the tadpole and forced Laura to regurgitate its dead form.   Blue Slaadi have a pair of hooked claws on the back of each hand, and attempt to slash at enemies with these claws. Although no party members were infected, two prisoners they found in the hospital at Lugdunum had been infected with what they called a "chaos phage." They were quite ill and appeared to be dying. Once again, this disease was cured with Lesser Restoration. Exactly what would have happened if the disease had run its course is unknown.   Green Slaadi appear to be able to either cast the Invisibility spell or else inherently turn Invisible, since one of them did this in sight of the party. Additionally, they appear to be able to cast some arcane spells, such as Fireball. Whether they can also infect a creature using their claws, and what form such an infection might take, is unknown at this time.   Neither the Blue nor Red Slaad encountered in Lugdunum used any attack method other than striking with their claws. It is unknown whether they possess other abilities such as the Green Slaad exhibited.

Basic Information


Red Slaadi are massive, toad-like creatures standing nearly 10' tall. It is a bulnky creature, nearly as wide as it is tall, with wet-looking crimson skin that is covered in small greenish flecks. A row of spines runs down the creature's back. Long, sharp, lethal-looing black claws extend from each of the four fingers on its hands. Its bare feet possess three toes, each of which has a small talon.    Blue Slaadi are massive, toad-like creatures standing more than 11' tall. It is a bulky creature, nearly as wide as it is tall, with wet-looking azure skin that is covered in small, hard-looking knobs or bumps. A pair of long, sharp, lethal-looing bone "hooks" extend from each the back of each four-fingered hand. Its bare feet possess three toes, each of which has a small talon.    Green Slaadi are massive, toad-like creatures standing more than 9' tall. It is a bulky creature, nearly as wide as it is tall, with wet-looking olive-green skin that fades to pale tan on its abdomen and under the chin. It has claws on each of its four fingers and three toes, and horny ridges extend above its eyes toward the back of its head.

Genetics and Reproduction

Their method of reproduction is unknown, although the tadpole infection and the chaos phage appear to be potentially involved.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Both the Red and Blue Slaad in Lugdunum were observed eating humanoid body parts. What species they were eating is unknown, but it appeared to be something like a human or an elf.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The sensory capabilities of Slaadi are unknown at this time.
Average Height
Average Weight
400+ lbs
Average Physique
Strong and powerful.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Brightly colored in either blue, red, or green shades.

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Cover image: by DM-Steven


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