Vulcan Character in Tyllus | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Tyr, Goibhniu, Ptah)

Vulcan is the god of metalworking and the forge, as well as a god of fire. He is a patron to blacksmiths, armorers, and weaponsmiths throughout the now world, and is frequently depicted as working at a forge, and wielding a great heavy hammer. He is worshiped by the elves as Tyr, by the Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings as Goibhniu, and by the River Folk as Ptah. According to Dwarven legends, Vulcan (in his guise as Goibhniu) is the creator of their people.   The Dwarves, who are known for their craftsmanship, particularly with metal, often worship Vulcan and strongly identify with him. Dwarves believe that Vulcan (as Goibhniu) bestowed his talent for metalworking and the forge upon the Dwarven people, and consequently, many of them consider working in the smithy to be near-sacred. Throughout Dwarven lands there are many shrines and temples devoted to Vulcan.   Vulcan is the son of Jupiter and Juno and is the consort of Vesta, the goddess of domesticity.

Divine Domains

Forge, Knowledge

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Blacksmith's Hammer

Tenets of Faith

  • As a Neutral Good god, Vulcan accepts worshipers of any good alignment, as well as those who are true neutral.
  • Vulcan accepts several forms of sacrifice, including libations (the pouring out of wine), animal sacrifice, and participation in public games held in his honor.
  • Vulcan has an intense enmity with Asmodeus, who interfered with Vulcan's creation of the Dwarves. During the creative act, Asmodeus captured several of them and took them for his own, transforming them into the corrupted race known as the Dark Dwarves (aka. Dvergar).
  • Vulcan expects his worshipers to oppose the deeds of the Dvergar and of any followers of Asmodeus.


A holiday to Vulcan called Vulcanalia is celebrated on 23 Sextilis of each year. Throughout the evening, bonfires roar in the god's honor of the god. Live fish and small animals are thrown into the bonfires as a sacrifice.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Vulcan is typically depicted as wearing a short toga that stops above the knees, and is usually depicted as being barefoot. He carries a large blacksmith's hammer in one hand.


Family Ties

Son of Jupiter and Juno. Brother of Minerva and Mars. Consort to Vesta.
Divine Classification
Circumstances of Birth
Son of Jupiter and Juno
Dark Brown
Curly black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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