Roman Pantheon Organization in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Roman Pantheon

The Roman Pantheon is a collection of gods with dominion over the universe. Led by Jupiter, king of the gods, the Roman Pantheon's deities have dominion over all aspects of life, death, and everything in between. In Roman society, each family, or gens, has a patron deity who is thought to watch over the family (much like a modern-day guardian angel). Similarly, each settlement, be it a mere village or the City of Rome itself, has a patron deity who watches over it. Romans believe that losing favor with their patron deity can lead to disaster, as the god or goddess is no longer watching over them.   The various deities of the pantheon are also worshiped by other races, though usually under a different name/likeness. For example, Dwarves revere Jupiter as "The Daghda" and River Folk worship him as "Ra."   According to legend, each humanoid race was created by one of the gods, and that god is often seen as the patron deity of the race. For example, Vulcan created Dwarves, and Diana created Elves. Although members of each race freely worship any deity, far more worship the patron than any other single deity in the Pantheon.


Each deity is attended by a priestly order headed by a single Eldest High Priest, or Pontifex Maximus. Gods are worshipped in temples, which are run by a high priest, or Pontifex, assisted by several priests (Augures) and numerous Acolytes.

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