Tyllus History of Rome Timeline
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History of Rome

The known history of the Roman Empire.

Priore Urbe Condita

"Before the Founding of the City": History measured in the number of years before the founding of Rome.

  • -11000 PUC

    -10703 PUC

    Creation of the Reptile Races
    Religious event

    The Reptile Gods each create a reptilian race, such as the Yuan-Ti or Kobolds.

  • -592 PUC

    Narmer Unifies Egypt

    Narmer, the first Pharaoh of Egypt, unifies the River Folk of the Nile into one nation.

  • -39 PUC

    Rise of Aeneas
    Military action

    According to legend, Aeneas leads the Latinus tribe of Hill Folk to victory against nearby Orc and Goblin tribes.

  • -35 PUC

    12 Ianuarius

    Birth of Romulus and Remus
    Life, Birth

    According to legend, the twin boys, Romulus and Remus, are born and left to be raised by a she-wolf.

Anno Urbis Conditae

"In the year of the City's Founding" - a count of years after Rome was founded.

  • 1 AUC

    21 Aprilis 16:00

    The Founding of Rome

    On this day, according to legend, the city of Rome was founded.

  • 29 AUC

    Amenhotep IV marries Nefertiti

    The Pharaoh Amenhotep IV marries commoner Nefertiti, who is also a sorceress.

  • 298 AUC

    4 Qunitilis

    Establishment of the Republic

    The corrupt final King of Rome is overthrown, and the Republic of Rome is formed.

  • 396 AUC

    Maagog Imprisoned
    Military action

    Based on the inscription outside the prison chamber, this is the likely year when Maagog the Slaughterer was Imprisoned under the future site of Lugdunum.

    More reading
    Cithreth's Journal
  • 419 AUC

    482 AUC

    The Latin Campaigns
    Military action

    The Roman Republic wages a series of wars that result in its total domination over the penninsula of Latium.

  • 547 AUC

    25 Qunitilis

    Coniugiorum Alfarensium
    Political event

    The Grey Elves of the Myrkyr Isles join the Roman Republic.

  • 585 AUC

    624 AUC

    The Pynaran Wars
    Military action

    Rome wages a series of conquest wars against the Hill Folk in Pynarum, eventually bringing them fully under Rome's power.

  • 630 AUC

    643 AUC

    Conquest of Collandra
    Military action

    The Romans conquer Collandra, thereby bringing the last of the Hill Folk under Roman rule.

  • 695 AUC

    706 AUC

    The Sunward Campaigns
    Military action

    The Republic expands its holdings by subjugating the Euxinia and the Bluff Lands, eventually reaching the shores of the Euxine Sea.

  • 783 AUC

    Liberation of Aerium
    Military action

    The island of Aerium is liberated at the end of the First Kartagonian War.

  • 836 AUC

    14 Sextilis

    Conquest of Kartago
    Military action

    The Third Kartagonian War ends with the Kartago being subjugated as part of the Roman Republic.

  • 1004 AUC

    1012 AUC

    The Iberian Campaigns
    Military action

    Julius Caesar wages war to make the Dwarves, Elves, and Gnomes on the Iberian Penninsula into Roman tributaries.

  • 1030 AUC

    Aegyptus Vassalized
    Political event

    Julius Caesar successfully places Cleopatra VII on the throne of Aegyptus, making the nation a Roman vassal.

  • 1031 AUC

    Court of Scarabs Founded
    Political event

    Cleopatra's younger sister Arsinoe IV flees to the Ancepti Coast and forms the Court of Scarabs with other discontented royal family members.

  • 1049 AUC

    19 October

    Imperium Romanum

    The Senate declares Gaius Octavius Rufus Imperator, the first Emperor of Rome.

  • 1620 AUC

    1627 AUC

    The Elf-Wars
    Military action

    The Empire wins a series of victories to make Ljosalfheim and Skogralfheim into Roman tributaries.

  • 1675 AUC

    Equara accepts tributary status
    Political event

    The Centaurs of Equara peacefully accept Rome's offer and become a tributary of the Empire.

  • 1835 AUC

    1841 AUC

    Subjugation of Silaxia
    Military action

    Imperial forces wage a series of battles to make the Gnomes and Halflings of Silaxia tributaries to Rome.

  • 2098 AUC

    15 Martius

    Fall of Lugdunum
    Disaster / Destruction

    The fortress town of Lugdunum is destroyed by unknown forces.

  • 2098 AUC

    18 December
    2099 AUC

    6 September

    Aegyptus Overrun
    Disaster / Destruction

    After a series of crushing defeats for the Empire, Aegyptus is overrun by unknown monsters.

  • 2101 AUC

    8 Sextilis

    Elvish Independence
    Political event

    The Elvish kingdoms of Ljosalfheim and Skogralfheim stop paying tribute to the Empire, formally breaking away from its rule.

  • 2102 AUC

    12 Februarius
    2102 AUC

    16 Junius

    Independence for the Small Folk
    Political event

    The Dwarves, Gnomes, and Halflings of Iberia and Silaxia, following the Elves' example, stop paying tribute to the Empire and formally cut ties.

  • 2103 AUC

    22 Februarius 11:00

    First Battle of Nemasus
    Military action

    Four heroic adventurers helped save the Town of Nemasus from a Zombie invasion.

  • 2103 AUC

    17 Martius

    The 16th Inscription
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party discovers an inscription labeled "XVI" which details the death and imprisonment of Maagog the Slaughterer.

  • 2103 AUC

    1 Aprilis

    Sea of Stars
    Discovery, Exploration

    A party of intrepid adventurers travels through the Maelstrom, ending up in another plane of existence -- the Astral Sea.