Bláur Skylands
The Skylands are floating islands - the border here is literally the ground falling away to a sparse ocean of clouds and floating lands, hanging to the sky despite the melancholy of Bláur. Their altitude fluctuates, but the clusters with bridges stick together and slowly orbit.
Islands, floating in a sea of clouds and sky.
Fauna & Flora
Mostly flying creatures - there are some terrestrial creatures colonizing especially the larger islands, but much of the population is flying creatures, especially those with true flight. Birds of all sizes are common, gliding animals such as flying squirrels and frogs are less common, and large beasts are found only where intelligent races have domesticated and transported them.
Natural Resources
Islands generally have little in the way of valuable resources - few are metal-rich, but many are rather fertile, and can grow uniquely tough varieties of bamboo.
Inhabiting Species