The Fellwind

The zephyr known as The Fellwind is a multi-manifesting spirit originating from the evil currents in the winds. They can manifest anywhere the winds coalesce, with power proportional to the wind's howl - when the Fellwind manifests in a tornado they have tremendous destructive zeal, compared to the cunning cruelty of a Fellwind manifesting off the whistling wind through darkened dunes. Wherever the Fellwind manifests, they are truly the same spirit - each manifestation has the same mind and the same memories, even while each manisfestation has its own unique favorite variety of cruelty they choose to inflict. In all cases, the Fellwind would cower from any stronger than them; they generally sustain their great confidence from their lack of tangible consequences.   Manifestations of the Fellwind occasionally bargain with others, though their baleful motives convey incredible risk to those who would partake - or for those even near such a deal. Commonly-accepted bargains with the Fellwind generally involve inflicting pain or despair on others. While the Fellwind takes immense pleasure in tormenting their prey, a would-be victim of the Fellwind may be able to redirect the wind's ire by making such a deal with the promise of extra prey. Even this is a risky venture, as it can be difficult to avoid the Fellwind renegging on the bargain - plagueing both the initial target as well as their presented sacrifices.   In rare cases, the Fellwind can be forced into servitude to a powerful master using magic. In these situations, the magic user only ever manages to splinter off a shard of the Fellwind's spirit. In doing so they acquire a mischievous, if cowardly, ally -- but in equal regard, a dark and everlasting foe.

Divine Domains

Air, Death, Decay, Malice


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