Those Who Beckon the Gale

Those who beckon the wind is a loose cult of primarily magic users, who have a firm belief that the wind is evil and that such malice can be used as a cudgel to accomplish their goals. The cult's remains lax in its organization, keeping basically no hierarchy but a basal understanding that members should share knowledge and methods freely amongst members. Those initiated use the cult's motto in parts as a key phrase to identify other members - a member of the cult speaks to a suspected other with the first portion, "The wind is Vile," and the other confirms their affiliation by replying with the remainder, "and the Vile have Vim." As a coalition of those studying the winds and the dark magics surrounding the gale, those who beckon the wind reside primarily in cities and places of learning - especially in Kyrheim's Smithrskeki, given the city's reliance on and proximity to the skies.   While members of the cult generally aid each other in learning and research, their association with each other rarely extends much further than that. Each knows that other members of the cult harbor their own personal goals and that any given member retains few qualms about betraying an ally if such a betrayal would mean attaining their dreams. Despite their worship and usage of the dark magics inherent to the gale, most members of the cult genuinely hope for a brighter world wherein their aspirations thrive. However, the tempest hungers, often driving those with hope for a bright future or a single dream towards a greedier outlook - after all, if the wind's vile vim can accomplish one goal, why not use it to claim a second, a third, a tenth?

The Wind is Vile and the Vile Have Vim



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