Outlaws of Balik Settlement in Tyras | World Anvil
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Outlaws of Balik

"We're all running from something here. The question is from what?"

Tired of the inflexibility of other nations and the bureaucracy of The Voladrian League, the outlaws of Balik have formed their own organized enterprise, the Eight Arms of Balik. Hedonism and freedom of expression are not just tolerated, but encouraged, though there is a strong suspicion against magic. Despite no codified laws, there are understood rules which are subtly known, and respectability is seen as a form of currency. The names of the leaders of the Eight Arms of Balik are always kept secret- when a transition of power happens, everyone refers to the new leader as if nothing had changed over.
Swamp Boatman
The people of the region are well-versed in traversing swamps and wetlands. This often allows even peasants to outmaneuver experienced combatants.
Culture Theme
by KaiRaego (OC)

Articles under Outlaws of Balik

Cover image: by Jason Engle


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