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The Voladrian League

The Voladrian League Theme:
From the Anode Watchtower on volcanic Mount Tabaxis, one can overlook an expanse of varied terrain from mountains and volcanoes, to rivers and valleys, and fertile farmland in between. Dozens of unique settlements, including elven tree homes, brick castles and dwarven stone halls, dot the landscape of Obsidia in an eclectic blend of design and culture unified only by their shared banners of the Golden Scales. The Voladrian League is ambitious, fiercely independent, and as diverse as their terrain. Those who excel at business thrive here as raw capital is the language of power. This also makes the League an attractive land of opportunity to those escaping social, political, or financial conflict, though some claim its systems are exploitative.   Each city-state acts independently within its own borders, though special free trade agreements, free citizen movement, and a defensive pact exists between all the states of the Voladrian League. While individually they have limited military potential, together they form a buttress against invasions enough to scare the Hakgu Horde, the Yuan-Ti Empire, and the Cometfall Theocracy from encroaching on its borders. Their defensive pact aside, the economic might of The Voladrian League alone dissuades any aggression toward the conglomerate; as the largest commercial hub in Tyras, conflict with the city-states could financially cripple a nation with the stroke of a pen.
Balenne Siaga of New Traeventahl argues with Erebus of Vol, The August Body
The states' lack of coordination makes it an unviable conquering force, and as a result, the pact can only expand through applications for entry from other minor cities. Each independent city wishing to join the pact, typically from disputed territories, must prove its economic prowess to The August Body, composed of the leaders of each city. The application is approved through a supermajority vote of 66%. The recruitment, funding, and finer details of the defensive pact are subject to daily discussion and debate, often leading to heated arguments and shouting matches among the leaders of the city-states. Two voting blocs formed under either Erebus of Vol, who prioritizes expanding the defense budget, or Balenne Siaga of New Traeventahl, who prioritizes cultural exports and economic dominance.
Balenne Siaga of New Traeventahl
The Free City of New Traeventahl
by Unknown
Tower of Seasons, The Free City of New Traeventahl
New Traeventahl is an up-and-coming economic powerhouse that has established connections with socialites throughout Tyras. The city was designed by interventionist Archdruid, Balenne Siaga, who sought to bring the remote charm of the old Traeventahl Circle to a wider audience. Using druidic magics, the previously unproductive badlands of Obsidia were terraformed into the luxurious elven forest city of New Traeventahl, where beauty is spared no expense. Along with handling most of the conglomerate's public relations, its collection of luxury brands and performance enhancing supplements has made New Traeventahl the second richest-city in The Voladrian League.
Erebus of Vol
by marccus
The Free City of Vol
Furnace of Ator, The Free City of Vol
The Free City of Vol is the wealthiest and most formidable city-state within The Voladrian League. Boasting a thriving military-industrial complex, the city fuels its economic might through the use of the Furnace of Ator, an ancient dwarven wonder capable of channeling lava for mass-producing adamantine weapons and armor. From this powerhouse of industry, The Voladrian League trades these weapons in staggering quantities with all factions, regardless of their allegiances or affiliations. It is not uncommon to find Vol's signature weapons and armor strewn across battlefields, marking the demise of enemies on either sides of the same conflicts.
Xochiquetzal, and their mount, Tlaloc
Sauropolian Transport
Portrait of King Firehold
King Zerlin Firehold and His Dragon, Prophylaxis, arrive at Firehold
Transport of the sheer volume of goods from New Traeventahl and Vol presents a logistical nightmare. Solving these hurdles fuels a large portion of the economies of the third and fourth most powerful league cities, Sauropolis and Firehold. Sauropolis handles ground transport using its dinosaur mounts while Firehold manages air transport through the use of its dragonriders. Politically, Xochiquetzal, the leader of Sauropolis, supports Erebus of Vol, while King Zerlin Firehold supports Balenne Siaga of New Traeventahl.
The Banker
by Steve Bellshaw
The Obsidian Bank
Along with member cities, The Voladrian League is also home to the Obsidian Bank, the largest financial institution in Tyras. It was established by warforged in the former palace of the fallen Dwarven Empire of Obsidia. For almost 800 years, the bank amassed wealth, serving clients across Tyras and alternate material planes and functioning as a repository for powerful ancient artifacts, secrets, and diplomatic documents. Lead by 'The Banker', it maintains its financial dominance through economic pressure, money lending, and driving commerce and foreign policy with The Voladrian League. The bank is also exempt from most requirements from the league, and its military needs are contracted out to the Free City of Vol, of which the the Obsidian Bank operates as a client state.

Always The Opportunity

by KaiRaego (OC)
Capitalist Aristocratic Republic
Founding Date
897 C.F.
Alternative Names
New Obsidia
Predecessor Organization
Largest Member City-States
Obsidian Bank
New Traeventahl

Cover image: by DND BEYOND


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