Valewood Forest Settlement in Tyras | World Anvil
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Valewood Forest

"The forest is not a resource for us, it is life itself. It is the only place for us to live."
Lucan Willowrest, Archdruid of the World Tree of Traeventahl
As an intersection zone of the Feywild and the mundane realm, the Valewood Forest contains a plethora of rare and odd life seen nowhere else in Tyras. Ancient trees line the woods growing undisturbed for millennia; these cover the entire canopy as they compete for light, making the forest floor dim during the day and pitch black in the evening. Moving off the beaten paths requires great skill, as the woods are nearly impassible outside of the main thoroughfares. The forest is known to twist and change as the trees are steeped in magical energy, rendering navigation by both landmarks and surveying tools to be unreliable. Successfully traversing the woods requires unconventional knowledge and survival skills, as threats from predators, disgruntled locals, and chaos seeking Fey are constant.
Darkened Valewood
Region Theme
by KaiRaego (OC)

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