Ancient Cisterns: Game 28

General Summary

The Company of the Furies: Eumenides continnued in the Tomb of the Masons in pursuit a magical shape changing shadow monster that was disguised as the silversmith's assistant and member of the Circle of Stone. The Shadow monster fled with the sacred Dragonkey, which has protected Hammerfast since the Arrival of the Great Worms from a return of evil Dragons. If lost, then Hammerfast will be vulnerable to an invasion of dragons again, which the Company saw as a possibility in Murder in Hammerfast: Game 24 and learned from the halfing priest that the Circle of Stone will cause the Cult of the Dragon to destroy Hammerfast unless the Circle can be redirected. In the Tomb of teh Masons and Game 28, the Company explored two ancient cisterns, first slaying rock like monsters with long rope like appendages, and, second, slew four medusae.  

Evil Red Water

Thre were stairs going down both directions, with red water radiating evil. Floor was wet from water dripping out of the walls and ceilings and loose the tracks. The water destroyed organic matter, and the Company creatively sought to avoid the water and/or protect their shoes.  

Cistern of Tentacles

The passage went down another 100 feet down, 20 feet down starts to go down 25 feet.   There was a large 100 by 100 foot room, many areas caved in. Water on the floor. The right passaged was covered and completely caved in, left almost completely caved in, and front also proved to be a dead end.   The first cistern turned out to be a dead end, with a fight against evil large, rock like cigar shaped monsters with long rope like tentacles. The Company killed them, and took what appears to be their eggs. The elves snuck some eggs into their bad of holding, without Guilhem de QuĂ©ribus noticing.  

Cistern of the Medesae

A similar room with piles of rubble, numerous old stone statues of dwarves and orcs.   The Company slew four medesae, one of which almost escaped. The battle ended prior to the Company being able to search for treasure, but the gorgons appear to have a lair in a broken area where the walls have been cracked open and there is small a passage way.   Joan was able to use her medusa shield, which protected her from the gorgons' gaze attacks.
by Another Believer
by Another Believer
by willow wilcox fox
Report Date
24 Feb 2024
by Remi Jouan

Cover image: by willow wilcox fox