Guilhem de Quéribus

Guilhem de Quéribus is a Katheroi paladin of Sol Invictus/Mithras, and a leader of the The Company of the Furies: Eumenides.
  Gui was raised in the Barony of Bortlan, which was the main hot bed of the Katheroi heresy. He lived through the crusades that murdered many of his Katheroi brethren, but became an exile traveling in the border regions of Fultar.   The Katheroi are a sector of Mithra that rejects the idea that the gods are God as opposed to merely being a manifestation of the two true Gods, Good and Evil. That sect is then persecuted and destroyed by the establishment church of Tya Nehru. Gui is one of a very few refugees who escapes. Gus is an order of paladins and priests called the Perfects of Mitras, who do good deeds, but must do so as a secret society.   Guilhem took part in the last siege of Montsé and fall of the Katherois in Barony of Bortlan. In the Year of Iron 895, Montsé became the seat and head of the Katheroi after the fall of other Katheroi strongholds. In 903 YR, the Empire of Fultar launched a huge army against Montsè, made up primarily of military veterans of the recently conquered Sua Hills dwarves. After an arduous campaign were able to lay siege to the castle beginning in 904 YR. After 10 months the Fultonians were able to take the barbican by treachery, after which the defenders quickly surrendered when their position was no longer tenable and they had exhausted their stores. The terms of surrender allowed all who renounced the Katheroi sect to leave, and the remaining defenders (200 to 220) which included 190 perfecti walked out and voluntarily submitted to death by fire. After nearly a half century of military resistance the combined power of the Priests of Tya Nehru and the Fultonian Empire had finally crushed organized Katheroi.   Many Katheroi fled to Bevil and the remote areas of Fultar, including part of Northern Fultar and the Barony of Atlan where the persecution was less heinous.
  Gui lead the an earlier version of the party through the Crypts of Despair, and he and Twim traveled to the city of Atlan, which is the capital of the Barony of Atlan. Gui and Twim learned that a paladin of Sol Invictus in the Wild Reaches beyond the border of Fultar is in need of aid. The paladin is Lord Raymond Ilios, Marquess of the Reaches and Lord of Sentinel Fortress. With appropriate enthusiasm, Guilhem volunteered to escort the son of Sir Raymond, Etienne Ilios from Eastpoint Castle into the mountain regions past Seeker's Reach to Sentinel Fortress.   As a disguise, Gui, Twim and the rest of the party formed the Company of Furies, which are a merchant team traveling to Sentinel Fortress. After many adventures, ultimately stopped both a Frost and Fire Giant invasion, successfully reached Seninel Fortress, and killed the dread necromancer Yarlzedd and the two headed black dragon Calastryx. Etienne, however, was slain after killing the necromancer.   Gui, Lomilgamir Thraswen, Twim, Latona, Joan, Basillea and Redcliff then moved to Hammerfast establishing a local branch of The Company of the Furies Hammerfast. Other members of the Company either went their own way (Lin Zenhi returned to Seeker's Reach, Grady Michel Fenimure de Villemain returning to Fultar, Makael Floshin returning to Eastpoint Castle, and Adrhal Lia returning to the rock elves) or dead (Morain, Etienne and Sappy).

by By BlueBreezeWiki
Castle Queribus