
Antonia is a priestess of Tya Nehru from Bevil which fled from religious persecution to Fultar. She is a charismatic leader cleric, who is regal, haughty, and powerful and intense personality of a religious fanatic   Antonia is a member of a small sect of priests who believe that flagellation is necessary to purge one of their sins and be redemed in the eyes of the great mother goddess. Her deviant sect of Tya Nehru is being expelled from Bevil due to their heresy. Antonia and her similar flaggellants whip themselves three times a day, with ecstatic and near orgamastic pleasure, after each meal.   Antonia escorted five disciples south, and met a part of adventurers lead by the Druid Ankili mac Aevyrn and the merchant warrior Angharad Fawr in Rat Treasure and Back Down River: Game 7. Despite braving near impossible odds, including returning to face dozens of orcs, all of her discplies died in various ambushes lead by orcs in an effort retrive an evil scimitar. Her dead followers include:
  • Callinicus, short, round, and red faced
  • Sophia, tall and scrawny, warts all over
  • Basil, portly, bald, pox scarred
  • Thekla, attractive, slow minded always gazing into the distance
  • Manuel, boxer face, scars on arms from fightings

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

What one first notes with Antonia is her powerful, piercing eyes that give the impression of looking directly into one's soul. Only the strongest willed can maintain eye contact with her intense stare. She otherwise unassuming and wears the plain and drab clothes of a cleric that has made, and lives consistent with, a vow of poverty.
by Miniature from the Rupertsberg Codex of Liber Scivias
The goddess Tya Nehru providing a relgious vision to Antonia.

The Chant and Flagellation of the Persecuted Faithful

WHO shall do her, Hecate's evil will,   He shall for it and be forgiven,   Thus his soul will be saved.   Help, lady Tya Nehru, because it hear to us all.   Come to us dear lady goddess,   So that we will fulfill your command.     NOW enter here the penance will,   So that we can flee the hot hell.   Hecate is an evil companion.   Who she likes, she nourishes with pitch.   So fell her or you will be Hecate's.     SO we then loudly call:   Accept our services with which here we pay   Shelter us from hell,   So we pray.     BECAUSE of the goddess Tya Nehru,   WE SPILL OUR BLOOD,   SO that we precede the sins.   Help us queen,   That we will win your praise.     THE earth trembles,   Also it tore stones.   Hard hearts, you shall weep.   All in your eyes, Tya Nehru's virtues,   All in your heart, Tya Nehru rules.     NOW FLAIL YOURSELF HEAVILY for Tya Nehru's honor!   Through the goddess now leave your sins behind.   Through the goddess now let your vainglory go.   So that the goddess will want to protect us.   Now help us queen   That we will win your praise.     NOW raise up all your hands,   That the goddess may avert great death!   Now stretch out all your arms,   That the goddess may protect us all!     WOMEN and men, you have to break off your adulterous relations.   Or the goddess will avenge herself over you.   Sulfur, pitch, lava, and also the gall   Pours the evil of Hecate into you all.     FOR certain, adulterers are the scorn of devils and demons.   Preserses us from this, lady goddess!   The martial law is a pure life,   That the goddess has given us?     I counsel you, women and men all,   Through the goddess now let the vainglory fall!   Thus the poor soul bids you,   Through the goddess now let the vainglory be spent!   Through the goddess now let the vainglory go!   Thus, Tya Nehru will protect us.

Cover image: by Goya