Rat Treasure and Back Down River: Game 7

General Summary

The Party explored the sewers under the shop of Gravon Pitt, the necromancer apothecary, stole treasure from a rat horde, headed down river with the small flotilla of boats lead by Angharad Fawr, and ended the session after the third day down river with a warning that an ambush is waiting at the intended camp site destination, which has an old abandoned Fultonian castle called Caer Rhufenadd upon a hill overlooking the river. "Deadly danger lurks. Surprise the Danger: great risk and great reward."   Angharad declares that there is a very small landing less than a mile up stream of the way station, and that the gnome and/or ranger should scout out the beach and report back. The party must decide what to do next!  

Apothecary Plunder


Treasure found on Gravon Pitt:

  • Magic golden ring with with writing and image of Pan
  • 10 magic tapers
  • Magic Scimitar
  • Box of spiders
  • Pendant of Hecate (holy symbol)
  • Necromancer priest spell components

Treasure found in Gravon Pitt's Apothecary Shoppe

  • Books: On Women’s Cosmetics, On Treatments for Women, Nicholas’s Compound Medicines, Lost Book of Herbal Remedies, Operating Medicine, Plants and Poisons, Art of Bones, Gionvani’s Herbs
  • 10 oils and potions, 5 of which can be identified as potions of healing
  • Box of 50 Fultonian and 65 Bevilian gold coins with the images of Hecate. The Fultonian coins are very old and worth more than their face value of 1 gold Royal. The Bevilian coins are modern and recently minted and worth 1 gp.
  • Herbs, salves, liquids: the party took a select and small group of potentially valuable items
  • The two guards (Baxter and Coonskin) that were watching the shoppe had 20 cp, 8 Bevilian gp, 9 Bevilian silver denarii, dice, cards, short sword, flask of whiskey, pieces of wood, flavored oil.


  3 forest gnomes, near death but alive. Names:
  • Brenna Horcusporcus
  • Elfi Scheppen
  • Half-pint Bixi Bunnyhop
Bayleaf who was beat up, tortured and tied up.  

Rat Lair

  • Magic silver snake ring
  • Gold necklace
  • Gold and jade necklace
  • Numerous coin, which were not taken

Last Night in Bondar and Buntar

  The Party decided to check out of the Bluebell Coaching Inn, and reconvene in the home of Rhodri Fawr. Odium Moulim elected to remain at the Inn, but joins the party going down the Kozar River.   The next morning the merchant boats left south. Fianna Fawr, the daughter of the old warrior merchant Rhodri Fawr was supposed to lead the flotilla south. However, given the potential clean up of the mess associated with the murder of Gravon Pitt, his associates and a wererat, it was decided that she should remain in Bondar. She is a charismatic and level headed leader, and her presence may be necessary to ensure the Fawr family is not implicated, including the bastard son of Rhodri, Tigernach. The hot headed, insulant and insulting Angharad Fawr will now lead the trading mission south. The main commodities will be very expense clothes from the mercers and weavers of the Bevilian capital city, Run.   The flotilla consists of:  

Emer the Boatwoman

The two boats from Emer Mor Emer, Emer the Boatwoman and her daughter Enid Ni Cuhail, and their two boaters, Sinead Ni Tiar (short, strong, broad shoulders, red hair) and Aiden Mac Cuhalin (tall, black hair with an Adam’s apple).  

Merchant Boat: The Brand

  • Captain Brand, Tatooed barrel chested man who only wears trousers, Celtic
Three Boaters, all of who are heavy drinkers
  • Hark Porter, Fultonian
  • Ciar, “black” black haried, Celtic
  • Cuan, “little wolf” short, brown haired, hairy, shifty eyes, Celtic
The boat can be seen here: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/43/bb/02/43bb028b72b53ee86ff2fc4c7a1296f6.jpg

Merchant Boat: Swan's Feather

  • Captian Ceri Strong armed blond
  • Boater: Lunet Tall red hair couple quiet
An animation of the Swan's Feather can be seen here: http://www.phantasia.org/miju/rpg/harn/povray/talbar.mpg  

Guard Boat: Bitter Tooth

This boat has cloth, but is primarily the Celtic guards. Seven Celts, six warriors and one servant. Spears, ax and dagger, with shields and studded leather.  
  • Isolde, near white skin, black hair short sword
  • Eria, near white skin, black hair, short bow, agile with a high dexterity
  • Kane, Handsome, brown haired
  • Bryn, strong and hardy, hunched over, long blong hair covering scarred face
  • Maddox, only leather armor, short, red hair, short sword, agile with a high dexterity
  • Idris, very strong, son of a petty chief, lordly
  • Caethwas, servant
by By Toxophilus -

Persecuted Faithful

  These are followers of deviant sect of Tya Nehru and are being expelled due to their heresy. They are flagellants, who whip themselves three times a day, with ecstatic and near orgamastic pleasure, after each meal.  
  • Antonia, their charismatic leader cleric, who is regal, haughty, piercing eyes, powerful and intense personality of a religious fanatic.
  • Callinicus, short, round, and red faced
  • Sophia, tall and scrawny, warts all over
  • Basil, portly, bald, pox scarred
  • Thekla, attractive, slow minded always gazing into the distance
  • Manuel, boxer face, scars on arms from fightings
The flagellant's boat can be seen here: http://www.phantasia.org/miju/rpg/harn/povray/nivik.png  

Back Down River

  The party headed back down river, stopping in two Celtic villages and planning on spending the third night in a way station, camp ground for travelers. The location for the third night is essentially a cleared area next to a wide beach, woodlands, and rolling hills with an abandoned, ancient Fultonian castle upon the hill overlooking the river.   Two Celtic villages for the first two nights are Alchlth or Mucmag and Torg.  


  Alchlth, also known as Mucmag's notable individuals were:
  • Catrin, subchief missing left hand and front teeth, carried out on a shield
  • Heledd, Druidess, short haired blond, white robes, friendly
  • Dylan, Bard Middle aged man, handsome


  Torg's notable individuals were:
  • Halster Chief
  • Lowri Black haired, beak nosed with a cane, white robes
  The party stayed in a long house, which housed the chief, notables and guests.   The only excitement in Torn was the gnome almost got in trouble for attempted theft. Ankili mac Aevyrn confirmed that the black clad individuals that you have been tracking and suspect to be necromancers that may have stolen the magical lute stayed in both villages on their way south.  

Way station and Caer Rhufenadd

  The party is using a sacred chicken to perform augury or divination spells prior to arriving at each location. Before brining the boats up to the third night's stop at the way station or camp ground, the sacred chicken eats its grain in a manner that clearly communicates: "Deadly danger lurks. Surprise the Danger: great risk and great reward."   Above the river side camp ground upon a hill is an old Fultonian castle that was abandoned centuries ago. (The cover and footer photo). The ruined castle, Caer Rhufenadd, is rumored to house evil spirits of the dead, and is shunned by Celts and other sane travelers.   The party, and your leader Angharad Fawr, must decide what to do next.   Angharad declares that there is a very small landing about a mile up stream of the way station, and that the gnome and/or ranger should scout out the beach and report back.   July 13, YR 908
Gravon Pitt's Pan Ring
Gravon Pitt's Scimitar
Gold and jade necklace  
Magic Silver Snake Ring      
Report Date
09 Nov 2022
by British Museum
Hecate Coins
Gold necklace
Old, abandoned Fultonian castle.
Sacred chicken.

Cover image: by By Michal Jakubský