Book of the Daemonium

“Book of the Daemonium” is the holy book for the Order of the Necromantia .   The Book provides all manner of information about the demons the necromancers’ worship, the internal war between the demons themselves, war with the devils, and that the necromancers are numerologists and love music.     The first page of the Book of the Daemonium reads:   Before the entrance, in the jaws of Orcus,
Grief and avenging Cares have made their beds,
And pale Diseases and sad Age are there,
And Dread, and Hunger that sways men to crime,
And sordid Want--in shapes to affright the eyes--
And Death and Toil and Death’s own brother, Sleep,
And the mind's evil joys; on the door sill
Death-bringing War, and iron cubicles
Of the Eumenidës, and raving Discord,
Viperish hair bound up in gory bands.
  The Book is written in Fultonian, Demonic and Drow.

The Book provides basic information about the demon world, and the primary “gods” worshiped by the necromancers are Lolth (the Drow queen goddess), Hecate the Fultonian goddess of magic and the night, and Orcus, the Prince of the Undead.

The Book explains the complex wars and battles between the various demons and devils, including the Demogorgon, the Prince of Demons, Graz’zt (called the bonded one due to the fact that he was once a slave to human mages), and Juiblex, the Faceless Lord are hated as the archenemies of Orcus. Dogretch, the Horned Devil, was a servant of the Demogorgon. While more limited that the internal strife between the demons themselves, there is discussion about strife with Asmodeus, Dispater, and the Horned Devils, including Dogretch.

Orcus' allies and servants are Kostchtchie, a Demon Lord, Fraz-Urb’lulu, and Pazuzu, the Prince of the Lower Aerial Kingdoms.   The Book explains how the necromancers use a numbering system, and workshop numbers and music. Each human, god and demon has its own alphanumeric listing in the Book. This is further explained in Order of the Necromantia.

The Book is written is in the blood of the various enemies of the demons, including devils, elves and the worshipers of lawful good, lawful evil and lawful neutral Fultonian gods.
  There is a recipe that explains how the blood of a devil blood can be used to create a poison that eats the insides and ultimately causes humanoids to explode.

There is also information about how to cure the black death poison.   The book also includes the following prophecy: "Freedom shall return with the scourging of the dwarves."

The Company of the Furies: Eumenides has learned that the Order interpreted this as the return of the dragon Calastryx and the necromancer Yarlzedd  should be timed with the end of the Suan Hill war. At the vary time in which they might be needed to take prompt action, large portions of the Fultonian army have been demobilized. Both the victorious Fultonians and remaining defeated dwarves looking forward to the end of overt hostilities. Futlonians want to focus on reaping the spoils of war, not fighting a new war.
Item type
Book / Document