
During and following the Guar Conquest, evil dragons seized upon the chaos to descend upon Fultar. The Dragon Calastryx and his Necromancer Lich King master Yarlzedd choose the Barony of Mabon and Reaches to inflict their unique horrors upon.   In Year of Iron (YI) 4, and two years after arriving in Fultar, the Dragon and Necromancer fought a great battle that caused the destruction of Rubyfill and shattered the surrounding lands. No survivors were ever found. Rubyfill was a great stone mound mined by humans and dwarves. Rubyfill was rebounded by dwarves and is now Hammerholme Tower.   In YI 5, Calastryx and Yarlzedd laid waste to Thunderdelve, which was referred to as the Halls of Paradise by its early dwarven keepers. Thunderdelve once housed five dwarven clans. The forges of Thunderdelve fashioned metal weapons and wonders the likes the world has not seen since, and it was a great link between the lands of the sun and the Underdark. The Dragon Calastryx and his Necromancer master Yarlzedd ravaged the dwarven fortress, laid waste to entire levels, and drove the dwarves away. After the sleep of Calastryx, Thurnderdelve fell into the hands of humanoids and other forces of evil.   For the next year, Calastryx was the scourge of the entire Dawnforge Mountains, but the wizard Starris confronted Calastryx and Yarlzedd and they waged an epic battle that spilled across the mountain range over a year. The struggle ended when Starris placed a curse on Calastryx, forcing the dragon to slumber and slowly grow weaker. Although Starris could not defeat the dragon, his spell has meant the dragon’s doom. Yarlzedd disappeared, never to return.   Or so everyone thought. The Dragon Calastryx and his Necromancer master Yarlzedd have returned.   There is a legend that either the Ilios brother or sister will be responsible for the final death of Calastryx and Yarlzedd.   Kostchtchie, a Demon Lord, and Fraz-Urb’lulu are in service to Orcus. Kostchtchie is often served by frost giants, rides a white dragon, and has been on the Prime Material Plan working with Calastryx and Yarlzedd.   The great wizard Starris fathered a lone line of mages that had trained to front and defeat the Dragon and Necormancer if they ever returned. Delfena Ondabarl who lives at Eastpoint Castle is the last surviving heir, but she is too old to provide assistance when they return. However, she provided the The Company of the Furies: Eumenides treasure that can help defeat the evil duo.

Cover image: by Batya Photo Desk