Filvendor “Lightfoot” Floshin

Filvendor Floshin is the fourth child of Prince Elorfindar Floshin and Lady Shalamrae and the most tolerant and easy-going of the four. For a time, Filvendor Lightfoot, as he called himself, seemed bent on traveling even more widely than his elder brother Elorshin “Highthought” Floshin, but kept falling in love and interrupting his lackadaisical adventuring ways to dally with yet another lover.   His first bride was Ylasmrae Darktreader, a half-elf ranger of the Misty Forest. Filvendor married her much against Elorfindar’s wishes, shortly before the birth of their first and only child, Kelson Darktreader Floshin. Ylasmrae died in childbirth, so Floshin promptly married her younger, human sister Jillian “Forestheart” Darktreader, who promised to raise Kelson as her own among the woodsmen and rangers of the Misty Forest.   After a few months of marital strife, Filvendor retreated to his father’s estate, leaving Kelson with Jillian, where he took up with an elf chambermaid of his father’s household, the beautiful and spirited Elsarassa Cerinlar (who had wanted to become Elorfindar’s lover, and had been hurt by his kind but firm rejections). Despite Elorfindar’s disapproval (based on Elsarassa’s status as a member of the household staff and penchant for dramatic affairs, not her heritage), their relatively brief union led to the birth of Filarion “Filvendorson” Floshin, before Elsarassa fled Elorfindar’s disapproval with the child to Evereska and Filvendor departed for Fulton, where he adopted his father’s habit of taking on many elven, half-elven, and human lovers between expeditions.   Filvendor returned briefly to the Floshin Estate, before continuing tensions with his father once again drove him off adventuring. Divinations paid for by Elorfindar determined that Filvendor is still alive, somewhere in the Chaotic Coast, but his current status is otherwise cloaked in magic.