Grady Michel Fenimure de Villemain

Grady Michel Fenimure de Villemain (the Disgraced) is a dual class bard Myrmidon warrior and a member of the The Company of the Furies: Eumenides.   Grady is an expert swordsman, well educated with a wealth of knowledge and a broad skill set including the practical, intellectual and profane. Grady is adept is comfortable in all aspects of society from the halls of higher learning and homes of the rich nobles and merchants, to the gambling dens and military camps.  

Personal History

Well spoken and traveled, Grady never wanted for anything growing up. As the son of a rich merchant from the Barony of Atlan in the southern part of the Empire of Fultar, he was exposed to many different cultures and ways of life, often surrounded by opulence and luxury. Being somewhat difficult by nature, he choose to join the city guard instead of following in his father's footsteps. The city guard was organized by the Black Slayers guild. Around the same time he also began experimenting some of the many pleasurable vices his life afforded him--particularly a magic plant of unknown origin and opiate like effects. It was during his use of this plant that he made the mistake of taking up watch on the small Zakharan community his family had taken residence with. What followed was disaster and heartbreak for young Grady.   A raid from nearby tribes of savages picked the town apart. While many survived, Grady's mother was slain. His father took his own life soon after. Ostracized from the broken community, Grady was forced to abandon the town and his dreams of becoming a soldier. Found by the remaining city guard in a drug induced slumber from the exotic plant, he was lucky to escape with his life.   Grady joined the Company of the Furies on their overland journey toward Sentinel Fortress traveling through the Fultonian towns of Durbai and Khyber to Eastpoint Castle, and then traveling onward past the sacked and plundered towns of Abdera and Julkoun with a restful stops at Halfling Downs and Oyfenfen's Home with the Dryad Oyfenen. After defeating the Frost giants living in Glacial Rift in the game Frost Giant Rebellion, the entire Compnay then returned in the game Lich's Ambush: Game 11 back to Seeker's Reach, the home of the Eastern monks of Order of the Five Elements. The Company rested and recuperated at Seeker's Reach, updated Han Kanlee and the monks about saving the Inner Reaches from the Fire Giant invasion, and sent the Katheroi warriors (Roland the Fat, Henrietta and Zera Mufumo) led by Grady back to the castle town of Kidwell to provide full updates to Lady Lowri Arundel, the Countess of Kidwell.  


Reconnaissance & Diplomacy: Due to his rich knowledge and adaptability, Grady often participates in reconnaissance and negotiations, particularly when dealing with rival gangs at the lower side of town, or with nobles or rival factions among the upper crust. His ability to blend into different social settings proves valuable.   Frontline & Support: In combat, Grady’s Myrmidon training places him in the thick of battle, but his bardic abilities allow him to switch between frontline combat and a support role. He can bolster allies' morale while weakening enemies through bardic magic. In combat he often starts with defensive spells, which make him almost impossible to harm.   Formation Mastery: Grady’s Myrmidon background has trained him in battlefield formations and unit coordination. Despite this traning, he has yet to lead squads or serve as a lieutenant in larger military engagements, or using his knowledge of defending fortresses and outposts, including setting up fortifications and leading defensive actions against superior forces.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

At age 23, Grady appears to be older than he looks. While large statute and fit, he walks around with sloshed shoulders, like life has beaten him down. His once right eyes are sunken in with dark bags around them. A little slim for his 6' 1" height, but otherwise unremarkably average in all other respects. He keeps his brown hair close cropped, and wears lots of greys and neutrals, nothing flashy.
Much of Grady's early years were spent drinking, gambling and partaking in the bilss of mind altering plants.
Grady training as a town guard.
Close cropped brown hair.
6 foot one inches
by Ernst Rudolf
by Pieter Brueghel the Elder

Cover image: Panorama of Toledo (Spain) taken from Parador by