
Morain is a mountain dwarf cleric of Clangeddin Silverbeard and a member of the The Company of the Furies: Eumenides.   Morain was a member of an elite Korda Und (dwarven for "Hammer Warriors", an elite fighting force that wages war outside of the dwarven homeland). Morain was raised as a Dûrgrimst Quan, a dwarven religious order, and he was selected to be a disciple of Clangeddin Silverbeard. He showed great promise for both war craft and piety from an early age.   Clangeddin is the dwarven god of battle and honor in warfare. He is known as the Father of Battle and the Lord of the Twin Axes. His holy symbol was two crossed battleaxes. He delighted in battle, although he did not tolerate treachery or deceit, and he expected his followers to do the same. He and his followers hated giants and trained their fellow dwarves in special ways to fight them.   The domains associated with him are: Dwarf, Good, Law, Strength, and War, and his favored weapon was the battleaxe   Morain's Korda Und was on a mission to the under dark to gather intelligence upon human necromancers, who were allied with the evil dwarves, or Derro. They, however, were ambushed and all but Morain were slain by members of the Order of the Necromantia, and Morain hid from both the necormancers, as well as other evil monsters until he was rescued by the Company in the Dragon Calastryx Revealed: Game 4. He has since become a valuable member of the Company equally regarded for his skill in battle and healing powers.    

Cover image: by Perrie Nicholas Smith