Dragon Calastryx Revealed: Game 4

General Summary

Key events

  • Rescue Morain, the dwarven cleric of Clangeddin Silverbeard
  • Fight evil worm babies
  • Observe the rider of a two headed black dragon, Calastryx, exercise leadership over the gnolls
  • Track down and kill hill giants
  • Retrieve the holy sword “Viribus”, which once belonged to the paladin Sir Egon and the name means “Violent, forceful, strength”
  • Meet Lady Morwen and her soldiers searching for the caravan survivors (specifically, the party)
  • Meet Etienne and his succubus girlfriend Pencheska Natyssa.

Detailed Summary

  After the fight with the giant worms, the party encountered a dwarf, Morian. Morian had been hiding from the Worms and was part of a larger group of dwarves who were planning to attack the evil mages of the Order of the Necromantia, who were working with evil derro. The derro are a degenerate subspecies of dwarves, augmented and twisted by ancient dark magics. All the dwarves, except one, were slain by the Worms before they could attack the evil mages.   The party then plundered the lair of the Worms, which included climbing down the wormholes, killing numerous Wormbabies. Most of the battle occurred with some party members using distance weapons to shoot at the Wormbabies. The party recovered the treasure from the sticky mass in the Worm’s lair, including a box of schrolls.   The party traveled to through the caves, which lead to the gnoll lair. The gnolls had all been killed by the Devil Dogretch. Hill giant children were playing in a large cave room, but party sent Twym out to investigate. Outside of the cave, a large two headed black dragon with a robbed human landed in front of gnoll warriors. These warriors were gnolls who were not located at the lair at the time of Dogretch’s attack, but on patrol and/or living in nearby locations.   The leader of the gnolls (and his second in command) were killed by the dragon, and the new gnoll leader was instructed to return to gnolls deeper into the wildlands and to prepare for operation “Kidwell Distraction.” The rider/dragon, gnolls and giants all left separately.   The party followed the giants, ambushed them in the night, and easily killed them all, even the innocent giant children. The party recovered the Holy sword Viribus, cooper pieces, fake gems and fake swords.   The party then traveled back to the road, but were met along the way by soldiers from Eastpoint Castle who were attempting to track down the missing caravan members (including the party) and the gnolls. Eastpoint Castle contingent is led by Lady Morwen, her lieutenant and second in command Lieutenant Takeko, who is an Onna-bugeisha Samuri warrior. She was also accompanied by 20 mounted soldiers, and Kelson Darktreader Floshin, a half-elf Ranger who serves as the town scout and Lord Maldwyn, Duke of the Nearer Reaches and the Lord of Eastpoint Castle's hunting master.   Lady Morwen was a leader in the Fultonian suppression of the Katheroi, also known as that Katheroi Crusade. She was present in the final battle in which Katheroi men, women and children were mercilessly slaughter. Lady Morwen displayed obvious hostility toward Guilhem de Quéribus and Joan; however, she went out of her way to say that she thought that the final slaughter of the Katheroi was overzealous and that she did not support killing on sight all Katheroi. She said that given the party’s good deeds, that she would allow them into Eastpoint Castle to any business that they have under the condition that they keep their religion to themselves and depart as soon as they are done. She said that if Duke Maldwyn discovers that they are in the town, then the least punishment they can expect would be to be expelled. She also made it clear that Duke Maldwyn’s hostility to them is not religious, but he would not want to loose “face” or respect of the Fultonian nobility if he is found to be harboring heretics.   There are four places to stay in Eastpoint, and the party choose the best and most expensive: the River Shinning Tavern.   The River Shining Tavern caters to those with money: visiting nobles, wealthy merchants, and local notables. When the Council of Guilds meets, it does so in the private dining chambers of the River Shining to lend an air of importance to the affair. Prices are high but the service and setting match, so even those not of the upper crust go to the River Shining when they have something special to celebrate. The tavern offers several richly appointed rooms on its second floor, as well as three very expensive suites. The party rents on the expensive suites.   The party left Lady Eva Ilios  at the Temple of Tya Nehru, who is the mother goddess of Fultar. It is a beautifully gilded structure, Morninglow Tower. Standing over the rest of the town, it shines proudly on the hill next to the outer walls of the ducal castle. The stone side that faces the town is decorated with rosy stones and glittering quartz, creating the image of a shining sun in homage to Tya Nehru. That side is a facade, since the eastern wall is open to the rising sun (and to the arrows of defenders if the tower is ever taken during a siege). The regal and dignified Lilia Sunbright leads worship in the tower as the high priestess of Tya Nehru. As is common in Fultar, Lilia Sunbright as the priestess of Tya Nehru, she is also the town judge. There are other temples in town, including Harvest House the temple of Sennia and the home of the priestess Hadeshah, and the shrine to Ram Kor, the Table of the Sword with the chief priest Darrondar Kor.   The party went to look for Etienne Ilios, and found him at the Lady Luck Tavern. Most of the first floor of the tavern is dedicated to a taproom with second-floor seating on balconies all around it. At the center of this space stands a rough stone pillar upon which rests the roof. Iron rungs are set into the pillar so that individuals can climb and mark it with symbols or messages dedicated to those who have died in battle or disappeared on quests. The rest of the tavern is decorated with shields, weapons, and banners. Any toast given in the tavern must include a libation to “those who have fallen before us.” Gambling occurs at all hours.   Etienne is charismatic man in his late 20s. If he had chosen to be a warrior, he is the type of person that would have instilled loyalty in his men. Etienne, however, did not want to follow his father’s footsteps as a paladin, and instead wanted to enjoy life as a mage. He is not hedonistic or selfish person, but treats people with respect and dignity. He wants to be able to enjoy the finer aspects of life (reading, women, wine and gambling), without going into excess (too often).   Etienne was found gambling, and the party convinced him to come back to the River Shining Tavern, along with his unnamed body guard and new love of his life, the courtesan Pencheska Natyssa. The party explained their mission as they know it, described their adventures, including finding his sister Lady Eva. Etienne was very concerned about his sister, but also left the impression that she was a troublemaker. As no one remembered reading the summary of Game 3, I allowed the party members to make an intelligence check to remember that Pencheska/Natyssa was the succubus that the Devil Dogretch wanted to kill and was aligned with the evil mages. After much discussion, Etienne went to his room with Pencheska/Natyssa.

Rewards Granted

Treasure Obtained:

  From the Wormholes:
  • 2,500 gp, 600 pp, 3 obsidian, 4 opals, gold ring, ruby, dagger, 150 gp, 50 pp, 10 sp, 35 cp
  • Box of Schrolls: 6 unknown at the time they were found (Protection from Cold, Protection from Dragon Breath Weapons, Monster Summoning III, Move Earth and Shadow Door), 3 magic missile spells, Cone of Cold, 3 Comprehend Languages, 3 Tongues
From the Giants
  • 5,450 cps
  • Box with glass fake gems
  • Fake actors swords
  • Holy sword “Viribus”.

Report Date
28 Nov 2020

The last Game Session was: The Devil's Rescue: Game 3
The next Game Session was: Battle of the Knives: Game 5

Cover image: by Batya Photo Desk