Orlane At Last: Game 18

General Summary

The Party left Immersea, traveled down the Tesser River valley and cross peasant farmland, and arrived to the outskrits of the village of Orlane without incident. Immediately prior to entering Orlane, the Party was met by the Gypsy devils, who returned Ankili mac Aevyrn's magical scimitar. The Party investigate the village, discovering that it appears that some villagers are a little different and not quite like the others. The session ended after a fight against reptilian troglodytes hiding in an abandoned inn.

Tesser River Valley

Time had come, as the Party all went down the Tesser River. Prior to leaving, however, Lady Eva Lithia Jared presented Monell with the great trident from their noble family, the Alatus Leon.   There are two and half days of travel down the Tesser River to the town and Fultonian military castle of Olan, and then three days of travel overland to Orlane through land inhabited by Fultonian villages, peasants, manor houses and monasteries. The Party traveled on the boat of Thrace and Monica Riverboat, and stayed on their boat as they traveled by the fishing villagers of Mistwood and Emerdale.   The Party followed its standard operating procedures, and did not generally ask for information about Orlane, explain its mission or provide information about your journey. The Party's discretion has been in part based on an understanding that those that the Party is pursuing gnome kidnappers, and their allies may have contacts and individuals in the places you are traveling in. There have only been limited exceptions (Ankili’s druid cousin Bridgit in Mawatt, Lord Crispin Jared, etc.) to this general zone of secrecy.   Lord Crispin Jared also recommended that the party keep an even lower profile, and suggested that, on the downriver trip, the Party stay on the boat rather than disembark in the fishing villages that the boat will docket at, that the party skip visiting the town of Olan (which is where the boat dropped the party off before it goes overland), and, on the overland trip, that the party stay in local villages, and not seek to stay in a local monastery of Tya Nehru called the Sanctuary of White Laurel (which will house travelers) or a high noble in the area who could house the party, if the party wished. Lord Jared believes that it is likely that there are agents and slavers who are working for whoever is kidnapping the gnomes, especially the closer you get to Orlane. The high noble is Sir Gavin Bluecleft, who has a reputation for hostility toward non-humans and could be working with the slavers (Lord Jared does not have any information, but said he would not trust Sir Gavin).  High nobles are in the second of the three main ranks of Fultonian Nobility.  The abbess of the Tya Nehru monastery is the cousin of Sir Gavin.  

Gypsy Devils

Immediately outside of Orlane, the Party encountered the devil gypsies waiting for them. Menowen, the young dancing girl met them, but the Party sought to avoid the gypsies. The adventuresome gnome, however, decided to talk with the old fortune meller Mahalla and the mage Fennix. The gnome obtained the magaical Scimitar, Saif, and gave it to Ankli saying that Ankili owes him one.


The Party elected to stay at the Inn of the Slumbering Sepent, travel around the entire village talking with some of the villagers, and explore the the Foaming Mug Inn, which has been abandoned for nearly a year, following a fierce fight followed, fire, and death of a number of villagers. The Party discovered a number of troglodytes hiding in the basement, slaying them all.   Here is a list of the locations by number that the Party knows the name and location. Descriptions for the locations that the Party visited or observed is also provided.  

1. Pleasant Farmhouse and Barn

"This wooden house is surrounded by attractive flower gardens, with a small barn beyond. A teenage girl is churning butter on the porch, but she sees your group and runs into the house at your approach. Shadowy forms are visible behind closed curtains." Hewitt Twaine (farmer) , Elyna Twaine (farm wife), two sons (Arlen and Alder) and daughter (Lya).

2. Constables Quarters

"This nondescript square wooden building has heavy shutters closed over the windows. The door looks stout, but stands open. No people are visible. Behind this building is another long, low structure." Grover Ruskadal (constable). He has vistors that the Party has not met.

3. Empty Barracks

4. Dairy Farm

"This house and barn are clean, whitewashed wooden buildings. Several cows chew their cud just outside the barn. Three little girls playing in the yard of the house stop to gawk at your group." Nowell Graven, Julia Graven, and 5 daughters. The Party did not talk to them.

5. Weaver's House and Shop

"A sign with a spinning wheel and a loom hangs outside this new building. Several bales of wool are stacked on the wide porch. No people are visible." Galen Weaver (husband) and Eleanor Beardless (wife). The Party did not talk to them.

6. Golden Grain Inn

"This is a large wooden inn. It is decorated with carvings of sheaves of wheat along the eaves of the roof. The inn was whitewashed at one time, but much of the paint has peeled. A sign picturing a cluster of wheat and a pitcher of beer or ale hangs over the door. A corral and stable, apparently empty, are off to the side. This room seems like a pleasant place, but the people are subdued, generally sitting alone. Those sitting together are not talking and no fires are lit in the fireplaces. Several barrels of light and dark beer are tapped behind the bar."

7. Jeweler and Moneychanger

"A gem-encrusted ring is pictured on a sign outside of this establishment. The doors and windows are open. The building is small, but looks extremely sturdy; the shutters and doors are of heavy wood, reinforced with iron bands." The Party did not talk to the jeweler and moneychanger.

8. Livery Stable

"This is an exceedingly run-down structure of wood. Faint traces of a former paint job cling to small parts of the walls, but in some places the bare wood has started to rot. A fenced walkway leads from the road to the back of the house, and horse manure is scattered liberally about. A little boy, his face covered with dirt, is playing on the front porch. As you approach, he toddles out to the road, smiles, and says "hi!" The wife rushes out to collect him, staring at the party with fearful eyes as she snatches him up, and dashes into the house with the child." The Party did not talk to the livery stablers.

9. Small Cottage

"This small, square building has been freshly white- washed. Heavy curtains hang over the windows, and the door is shut." Two elves Dorian and Llywillan live here. The Party talked with them, and they were cautious in their interactions and did not reveal anything.

10. Mayor's Residence

"This house is set well back from the road, and is partially screened by a pair of medium-sized elms. This is by far the most imposing house in the village. The walls have been regularly whitewashed and the roof gleams with new wooden shingles. A wide porch crosses the entire front of the house, and columns of wood support the overhanging roof. The columns have been carved into leafy patterns by a skilled craftsman." Zakarias Ormond (mayor), family and bodyguard. The Party did not talk with the Mayor.

11. Tailor Shop

"A sign crudely depicting a needle piercing the seat of a pair of pants hangs before this establishment, a small, ramshackle building in need of considerable repair. A shutter hangs loosely, shingles are missing from the roof, and the walls show signs of rot in several places." The Party did not talk with the tailor.

12. Village Store

"This is a fairly well-kept establishment with an assortment of farm implements and cooking utensils on the wide porch. The door stands open, and a well-painted sign depicting a pot, a plow, a sack, and a lantern hangs over all." Parker and Gaelle Golden and three grown sons. The Party visited the Village Store.

13. Rundown Farmhouse

"This house is in desperate need of repair. The front door, porch steps, and visible roof supports are missing. The barn is in even worse condition, but the many chickens in the yard suggest that the place is indeed inhabited." The Party did not visit the rundown farmhouse.

14. Carpenter's Shop

"A wooden board in the shape of a saw hangs before this well-constructed building. The front part of the structure is unwalled, and inside of this breezy area the carpenter is at work. Many tools (saws, hammers, nails, prybars, etc.) are scattered about, and some boards are mounted on sawhorses." The Party did not talk to the carpenters.

15. Blacksmith's Shop

"This is obviously a smithy, though no sign hangs here. The shop part of the building is unwalled, and two brawny lads operate a bellows while a giant of a man hammers thunderously upon a piece of metal that will soon become the blade of a shovel. Soot and smoke abound." The Party did not talk to the blacksmiths.

16. Foaming Mug Inn

The doors and windows of this large building are boarded up. A sign lies face-down in the weeds before the porch, which may be reached by climbing three broken steps. The roof has several gaping holes, and the general appearance of the place suggests that it has been long abandoned. The sign in the weeds, if looked at, reads in faded paint: FOAMING MUG INN. This establishment has been abandoned for nearly a year. The cellar is a gloomy place and smells musty and rotten. Characters may notice a foul, swampy stench in the air down here. Most of the cellar is one large room, containing several crates of spoiled foodstores and three kegs of wine (still good). Two doors lead to smaller storage rooms: a fruit cellar and a toolroom. In the latter awaits the source of the odor—3 troglodytes! The troglodytes heard the party descend the stairs, and were hiding to avoid detection. The door to the toolroom is opened, and they attacked savagely. The Party murdered the troglodytes.

17. Decrepit Farmhouse and Collapsed Barn

"Doors and shutters swing freely here. The whole appearance is one of abandoned desolation. Weeds choke the yard before the house." The Party did not visit the farmhouse.

18. Farmhouse and Barn

"This farm looks moderately prosperous. The house and barn are in good repair, although several flower gardens that used to bloom in the yard have become choked with weeds. A strapping youth is splitting wood in the yard beside the house." The Party did not visit this farmhouse.

19. Hog Farm

"The smell of this area identifies it as a hog farm. In addition to swine, many chickens scratch about the yard, while a rooster and several turkeys strut regally. A teenage boy watches from the porch of the house." The Party did not visit this farmhouse.

20. Small, neatly kept cottage

"Brilliant flower gardens surround this quaint little home. Clean shutters flank several large windows, and fancy curtains are visible inside. The building is sheltered by several large elm trees." The Party spied on Vilma Merridie, an eldery woman who has gone to bed with tea beside her bed.

21. Temple of Sennia

"This is the only stone structure in Orlane. A wall of granite blocks surrounds the temple, and sturdy wooden gates give access to a courtyard. The temple is on the highest piece of land in Orlane—a full 20' above the stream and pond. The temple of Merikka was dedicated to that benign goddess when it was constructed from granite blocks brought all the way from the hills of Henarria. The granite wall around the temple is 20' high. The gates are strong and wooden. Carved into them with precise crafts- manship is an ornate carving of Sennia, portrayed as a beautiful young woman. The temple building itself is made of solid granite blocks, and is completely windowless. The Party entered the central sancutary, which is a large room with tile floor decorated with an abstract mosaic pattern in orange, tan, brown, and blue. Several tapestries decorate the walls, all depicting scenes of lush farmland and crops in various stages of maturity. Five huge elm trunks serve as columns in the room, and a statue of Sennia, carved from a solid piece of jade, is mounted on a low dais at the north end of the room. The Party met Misha Devi, a slender and attractive priestess of the temple who has a snakeshead amulet around her neck that is made out of gold and has two rubies for eyes.. She cautioned them that non-members are not allowed beyond this area. She answered questions politely and tried to find out what the characters are doing in the area did not reveal any information of importance. The Party purchased and had Misha sacrifice a goat to Sennia. Jeremy showed gross pictures of a goat sacrifice from Nepal to all of us.  

22. Shabby Farmhouse and Barn

"This residence gives the impression that it has seen much use and that its owners have had little time for improving its appearance. A small infant is playing next to the house, and several chickens and a huge rooster poke about the yard." The Party did not visit this farmhouse.

23. Prosperous Farmhouse and Barn

"Two small children play in the yard, but at the sight of the party they immediately run for the house. This building looks solidly constructed and has been recently whitewashed. The barn is a clean structure, though not painted, and several goats wander in a small corral. A pen housing an immense pig is visible just south of the barn." The Party did not visit this farmhouse.

24. Abanonded farm

"This is a fairly well-built house that has had all of its windows and doors boarded over securely. The barn doors swing freely in any passing breeze." The Party did not visit this farm.

25. Inn of the Slumbering Serpent

A large, colorful sign pictures a red dragon with its head resting contentedly on its paws. A plume of smoke rises from the serpent's nose and its eyes are closed. This inn is smaller and older than the Golden Grain. Several beds of flowers brighten the front, however, and the large middle-aged woman sweeping the porch looks cheerful. She greets you with a friendly wave. This is Belba Cralloon. She and her husband Ollwin run this inn. Belba and Ollwin Cralloon's establishment is not fancy, but offers a homey atmosphere that most travelers find more pleasant than the cheerless Golden Grain Inn. In addition, prices are reasonable and the quality of food and drink is good. In the daytime, the shutters will be flung wide and sunlight streams into the room from a number of large windows. At night, three fireplaces give the room a cheerful atmosphere. Conversations here are cheerful, and occasionally rowdy or ribald, but Belba will not tolerate outright vulgarity. Belba does all the work, with Ollwin giving the Party membres their first drink of wine for free. The Party entertained the guests and rented rooms here.

26. Millhouse, waterwheel and pond

The Party did not get close enough to get a description of the millhouse.

27. Grove of Stately Elms

The Party did not vist the elm grove.
by Michel Wolgemut, Wilhelm Pleydenwurff
Report Date
29 Feb 2024
The drawing of the Party from the module.   Mahalla.
by Alois Hans Schram
by Georg Braun, Frans Hogenberg
by Michel Wolgemut, Wilhelm Pleydenwurff