
Monell is a warrior from Northern Fultar in the Empire of Fultar raised as a fisher along the Tesser River valley.


Monell dreamed of being a warrior, and volunteered to be part of their local village milita to protect against pirates and bandits. However, being a poor peasant in a time of general peace along the river, Monell's time was focused on fishing to collect food for the village and they were never able to really train to fight.   Monell's village, Piscisrod, made its living from both and catching fish in the open river, as well as traps and weirs designed to obstruct the and direct the passage of fish toward these traps. Most of the fisherfolk diversified their work and were also peasants living off the fruits of their lands. Life was always precarious as their was the constant risk of attack from bandits or the nomadic Guar, and unpredictable weather and changing river conditions could result in flooding, altering the availability of fish and harming their traps and buildings.   Fishing was not only a means of sustenance and trade, but also core to the ethics, religion and culture of the inhabitants of the Tesser River valley. Success was dependent upon skill, but also the gods, goddess and nature spirits. Most imporant of the gods were Hantithenus the god of commerce, Sennia the goddess of agriculture, and Neptune the god of waters. To offend the gods, by failing to sacrifice the first of the catch, whistle while fishing or fish during the new moon, could be devasting.   In the heat of mid-summer after festival of Neptunalia to honor the great god of oceans and rivers, a group of bandits attacked the village. While Monell did not have the formal training to fight, they took up their fishing spear (wood staff with a pointed end) and defended the village. Relying upon their spear skills as fisher, great strenght and a fair amount of luck, Monell landed a few big stabs and bravely killed a few of the attackers. Once the bandits realized that Monell was actually not just a harmless peasant but was actually delivering death blows, the bandits attacked Monell causing disfigurement of their face (hence low charisma). Monell's efforts, however, caused the bandits to flee, saving lives and valuable offerings made to the god of the sea and river at the festival.   After the battle, the Village leaders were so proud and amazed at Monell's bravery, they used the money taken from the dead bandits and bought Monell the trident so they could fight better as well as catch more fish. Monell is a hero, and considered the delight of the people in her village and surrounding lands.

Journey to the North

Due to their bravery, Monell was recruited by the local Druids to accompanied Darragh, a Druid, an Initiate of the Second Circle (4th Level) the from the village of Hommlett to the land of Sinann and the Druidic sanctuary Cysegred Bryn. Darragh was sent by the Druid Jaroo Ashstaff to obtain an interpretation of an oracle. The content of the oracle is uncertain to Monell, but it was somehow related to a concern related to dark whispers about the potential return of the Temple of Elemental Evil. Monell and the Draragh of Hommlett traveled north overland past the Celtic towns of Mawatt and then up the Kozar River throught the Nation of Galletica and past the various towns of Harmarthen, Bondar and Buntar, Caernarfon, Ponciau and others. They successfully completed their mission, with the Druid Darragh reaching the Druidic sanctuary Cysegred Bryn. The Druids interpreted the tidings of the oracle and reached the conclusion that people of Hommlett should not molest the Temple of Elemental Evil or the Order of the Necromantia. Satisfied that the forces of evil remain sealed in the Temple, the Druid Draragh has decided to stay at Druidic sanctuary Cysegred Bryn.   Monell desired to return home to Fultar, and was hired to escort Ankili mac Aevyrn on his mission to capture the great lute, the Eather Shaker or Tar Eneemena, which is explained in Tar Eneemena: Preface to Game 1. Repeatedly over this journey, Monell proved to be a fearless and skilled warrior, saving the party on numerous occassions.

Royal Heritage

Monell was the key fighting strength during the siege of Olbat, which is explained Beginning of the Siege: Game 12, Siege of Olbat: Games 13 and 14, The Feast of the Crows and Vampiric Mist: Game 15 and Olbat Loot: Game 15.5. Among the orc loot was a great kite shield, Winged Lion Shield. None of the party knew heraldry, and the origin of the winged lion was unknown.   Once the party reached the town of Immersea, Lord Crispin Jared was able to identify the shield as once belonging to the high noble family Alatus Leon. The Fultonian high nobles are in the middle of the three classes of Fultonian Nobility, and those in Northern Fultar are called the "Landermen." Each Landerman family would vary in the size of their lands and manors, but all own some land and none are allowed to permanently reside outside of Northern Fultar, which ties them to their local land. Each Landermen is expected to have at hand a number of their own family and a number of free peasant warriors to serve in times of need, like hunting outlaws, or stopping an invasion from the Guar, orcs, the Celts or Henarrians.   Learning of their noble heritigate, Lord Crispin Jared knighted Monell, as the new Sir Monell Alatus Leon. Lacking land, Monell does not have the title of "lord" and is a member of the landless petty or low nobility.   In addition to honor, Monell has inherited a blood fued with those who now own and control their rightful heritage and land. The Alatus Leon family sufferred a great calamity about 30 years ago during the Battle of Emridy Meadows. The evil Order of the Necromantia built the horrid Temple of Elemental Evil, and great force of Fultonians, Hennarians and gnomes slew great numbers of evil men and humanoids, including orcs, ogres and gnolls, and sealed the temple. In the battle, all members of the Alatus Leon family were slain, except for the young pre-teen Lady Lanelle, whose family held her ancestral lands for over a millennium and before the Guar Conquest, Arrival of the Great Worms and The Rise of the Undead. A rival Landerman family, the Borsch took the opportunity to take the Alatus Leon lands and marry Lady Lanelle to one of their junior sons. Lady Lanelle, was too high sprited and unwilling to submit, and fled soon after her wedding night--never to be found. The priestess at the local oracle and shrine of Sennia annouced that a child of Lady Lanelle would someday reclaim their lands, and the child would be known by the return of the great Alatus Leon's winged lion shield and trident.

Great Trident

After spending a couple days in Immersea, the party boarded a boat south along the Tesser River. Prior to leaving and as the party boarded their boat, Lord Crispin Jared and Lady Eva Lithia Jared joined them at the docks with a golden trident with ancient, finely styled engravings. Lady Jared presented the trident, which she called Trisoul ("Tri" meaning three and "soul" for the souls it will slay and send to the depths of hell) to Monell. The trident was found by the prior lord of Immersea after the Battle of Emridy Meadows and kept for safe keeping once the heir to Alatus Leon family returned.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Monell is powerfully built from years of hard work, but also being the child of great warriors. Thier face, however, is scarred from a fight early in their career as a warrior.  
by Apoloniusz Kędzierski

by Gaius Cornelius
by Andrew Butko
by Sebastian Münster

by Hausbuch der Mendelschen