Taking the Keep: Game 15

General Summary

The Company of the Furies: Eumenides routed the forces of the lich necromancer Yarlzedd and retook Adlerweg Keep, at least much if not all of Floors 2 through the Floor 4. The Company has not yet explored much of Floor 2, and Floor 1 and Undercroft may or may not be occupied (however, it is highly likely that the vast majority of the inhabitants, if not all, have fled), and the Roof remains in enemy hands.  

Key Learnings

  Lord Raymond Ilios, Marquess of the Reaches and Lord of Sentinel Fortress was kidnapped from Sentinel Fortress and has been held a prisoner at Adlerweg Keep. Some sort of demon in disguise or doppelgänger has been in charge and leading Sentinel Fortress for months.   At the end of the game session, the forces of evil are fleeing the powerful cloudkill, Guilhem de Quéribus has slain the last of the flayed zombies, and the Company has taken the Necromancers of the Order of the Necromantia's experimentation and playground room.   Immediate decisions and choices for the party are healing the injured men in cages (Lord Raymond swears having his armed flayed is just a scratch, but it seems a bit more painful than that), exploring the rooms of Floor 2, and securing the Keep before the army of darkness recovers.  

Floor 3


Room 18: Kitchen

  The Company continued the fight in the kitchen area, killing the best that the seemingly never ending forces of evil could thrown at you, including a troll and her children.   The Company, lead by Guilhem de Quéribus cleared the secret stairwell of skinned/flayed zombies that the special power that weapons adhered to their bodies.  

Floor 2


Room 13: Necromancers' Experiments and Playground

The walls are upholstered with the skins of human beings, there are tables with wizard's experiment equipment, three men in cages, book cases and chests.   This room was entered by Etienne, who first scouted the room, then through his powerful magics, including a cloud of killing, avoided being killed by two high level crossbowmen, and then single handedly routed the seemingly never ending army of darkness.   There are three men in cages, including Lord Raymond, who's arms have been flayed, an unconscious Count Berghof of Adlerweg Keep, and an unknown third man.  

Room 14: Defense Room

    This room has not yet been entered, but Etienne has seen inside of it. This is an important room in the Keep because contains a mechanism for springing a trap. The room is large, irregular in plan, with arrow slits in the south and west facing walls. It is dominated by a device designed to pour burning oil into a room below. The device consists of several components, including large iron cauldron mounted on brackets in the fireplace. A pipe with a tap runs out from the base of the cauldron and down to an empty, blackened, shallow trough cut into the floor. On either side of the trough, three short tunnels with metal sluices lead to holes in the floor.   More information will be available on a closer inspection.
Report Date
04 Apr 2022
Room 14