The Devil's Rescue: Game 3

General Summary

Key Events

  • Interrogate, free and convince Devil Dogretch to kill the remaining gnolls
  • Flee hilltop under a barrage of giant thrown rocks and unknown additional gnolls
  • Slay Nagas
  • Avoid Cricket alarm
  • Slay worm like monsters

Key Learnings

  • The human mages are worship the forces of chaos and evil and are aligned with demons, including a succubus named Pencheska Natyssa.
  • The mages were using the devil’s blood as part of their recipe to infect birds, gnolls and humans. The infection can provide an evil mage the ability to scry upon the diseased (specifics unknown).
  • The holy sword “Viribus” is in the gnoll loot at the bottom of the hill.
  • Lady Eva Ilios is a powerful mage.

Detailed Summary

  After defeating the mages, the party looted the mage and gnoll bodies, and chests, investigated the battle scene, and decided to open a door in the floor, with magical runic writing. The party discovered an incredible amount of plunder and magic. While most of it was destroyed in the fight, the party gathered up information from the mages’ communications using magic pigeons, which has not yet been read.   In a basement were crates, bottles with black liquid, spell components, there was a pentagram circle with five burning candles which are flickering and ready to go out. Horned Devil “Dogretch”, chained to the floor with a dozen metal knives with blood draining into cups outside of the circle.   The party interrogated Dogretch, eventually agreeing to let him go free in exchange for his killing the gnolls.   The party rested, but was awoke in the night to a hailstorm of large rocks tossed by giants. Gnolls and their hyenas could be heard charging up the narrow trail. The party decided to flee destroying the wooden building above the basement to hide their departure.   The party unlocked metal door with one of the keys they found, and fled down stone stairs.   The party avoided the loud cricket trap and then fought and killed three nagas. Exploring their sewage, offal and rotting organic matter tunnels, the party obtained even more treasure.   The party then moved through the caves until they were ambushed by a number of worm like monsters that shot sticky flands and drug people to their mouths. Once again the party killed their enemies without losing a single member.  

Rewards Granted

Treasure Obtained

  The treasure was obtained in Siege of the Gnoll Rock Fort: Game 2 but not identified or searched for until now.   From the gnolls
  • clothing, weapons (short bows, arrows, knives, clubs, flind bars, long swords, pikes, axes), food (dried and fresh meat), armor (studded leather, shields, partial pieces of plate or chain, i.e., a breast plate, greave, etc.), clothing (vests, cloaks, shirts), coin (45 cp, 55 sp, 15 gp, 3 pp), gems (4 amber 50 gp each)
  • Costume jewelry
  • Ring of Luck. Gold ring with red jasper with the Goddess Fortuna. Allows the re-roll once per day.
  • Ring of the Scorpions. Gold right with white opal and red scorpion (+4 vs. poisons).
  • Gold Earrings: Gnoll Loot. 500 gp.
  • Gold and amethyst necklace (2,500 gp)
From the mages
  • Ring of wizardry (50 charges): Simple gold ring: Writing in Arabic inside. Doubles 1st level spells.
  • Fur vest of warmth.
  • Amulet of protection: Eye of Horus. +4 protection and proof against detection and location: silver, Eye of Horus, silver Egyptian eye with gold inlay and jet eye.
  • Bracelets of Protection: Golden Rams. Bracers of Defense AC 5, Golden ram’s head bracelet.
  • 3 Candles of Propitiousness
  • Wand of magic missiles: 15 charges Ordinary wooded wand
  • Silver pendant: Young Empress Beuva with Imperium Aetrnum on one side, and a bay tree being hit by lighting on the other side. +5 saves and half damage from electricity attacks and acts as a brooch of shielding.
  • Ring Golden horse images 2,000 gp. 
  • Wooden jewelry box:
  • Black pearl necklace 4,000 gp, earnings 1,000 gp
  • Gems: 10 Black sapphires 100 gp, 25 onyx 50 gp
  • Expensive clothes
  • 1,450 gp
  • 700 pp 
  • Letters between Lestor and a lover from Fulton, Adelette.
  • 10 jars with brackish water and children’s heads
  • Amulet of Perpetual Youth. Image of boy emperor Gandymeade
  • Gold ring of protection +2 (Arabic writing)
  • Necklace of the Horses: + 5 horsemanship proficiency, speak with horses, animal friendship horses
  • Conch: Horn of the Tritons
  • Potion of Water breathing
  • Pearl of Sirines
  • Potion of Extra Healing
  • Potion of Fire Breath
  • Horseshoes of speed.
  • Oil of fiery burning,
  • Oil of elemental invulnerability,
  • Schroll of Protection from devils
  • Flute, Zither, Cymbals
  • 4 spell books from the Order of the Necromantia mages.
    Naga Treasure  
  • Short sword +4 defender
  • Potion of Gaseous Form
  • Potion of Healing
  • Schroll with Identify, Deeppockets and Enervation in gold tube
  • Schroll Protection from Electricity and Elementals in gold tube

The Company slew an intelligent, magic using naga.  
Report Date
29 Nov 2020

The previous Game Sessions was:  Siege of the Gnoll Rock Fort: Game 2 
The next Game Session was:  Dragon Calastryx Revealed: Game 4

The gnolls rode and used vicious hyenas as guards and attack beasts.
Dogretch was freed and encouraged to murder gnolls.

Fultar: Eastern Atlan, Mabon and Sua Hills, Grugatch Forest