Uprooting the Smuggler Web: Game 26

General Summary

The Company of the Furies: Eumenides continued to investigate the murder of Tathik Glodreddi, Hammerfast's chief tax collector, and web of smuggling activity related to his death. In Circle of Stone: First Appearance: Game 25, the Company discovered that Tathik was slain by the priest of Moradin and member of the Circle of Stone, Gerrek, and the Company slew the priest. The Company followed the trail to Carthain's gang's hideout (and then decided not pursue matters with the smugglers/prospectors), and investigated Gerrek's secret lair. The Company discovered the lair included many smuggled goods, inlcuding weapons and glass jars with terrible black ooze, a crypt with dwarven paladins, a water trap, a riddle trap, and a final room with smuggled goods and two undead dwarven deathlord paladins.

(Almost) Fighting the Law

The Company seprated into two groups/ The majority remained to greet the Town Guard and priests of Moradin that were sent in pursuit of Gerrek. The Town Guard were led by Flosi the Fat, who has a strong dislike for humans. Flosi did not shy from showing his contempt for the Company, and Guilhem de Quéribus in particular, but stayed within the bounds of the law. Gui was even more rude, challenging Flosi to a duel, threating bodily harm. Flosi merely laughed off the threat, but any fall out associated with the threat to fight with an officer of the law is yet to occur.

Carthian's Hideout

Rye Proudfoot and Twim investigated Carthian's hideout, and found Judith Egina waiting for someone to arrive. The two members of the Company also discovered that Carthian himself was hidden and Haruto the kenku was watching the hideout from an observation post in a hill across from the hideout. Rye and Twim elected to return to Hammerfast. Rye healed the acne from a young hobbit, and both sought the rest of their Company at the The Temple of Moradin: Hammerfast, but discovered that they had left to the Hall of Justice with Grond Silverstar, the second highest ranked priest of Moradin to Alvis the Allwise. Grond, however, manages the day to day activities of the Temple and for practical purposes acts as the high priest.

Gerrek's Lair

The investigation into the smuggling activities was slowed by disputes between Grond Silverstar and Tenkar Stoneshield over who had the proper jurisdiction to investigate each criminal activity. During these disputes, Twim captured two humans moving smuggled goods from Gerrek's (no longer) secret lair to another location, which was determined to be the silversmith, Valgard Ironheart. Grond and Tenkar agreed to give Gui jurisdiction to investigate and search Gerrek's lair.   The lair included:
  1. Top Floor: Boxes of smuggled goods on the main floor, about a third of which were gone and were filled with weapons.
  2. Floor 2: Six shelves with skeletong dwarves with plate, axes, shields and dagger. Dwarven inscriptions and bas reliefs showed that these were the crypt of lawful good dwarven paladins of Moradin.
  3. Floor 3: Water trap room with underwater scorpions. Much to the disappointment of the DM, the Company was able to disable the trap without serious risk of drowning or needing to fight the water scorpions.
  4. Floor 4: Alternating dark and light mosiaics on the floor would be crossed based on riddles. The Company solved all but one riddle successfully.
  5. Floor 5: Two undead dwarven paladings which had been turned into deathlords and boxes with weapons and black ooze. The Company defeated the dwarven deathlords in a frantic race to flee the crypt.
The Company is unsure if they have defeated all the foces of evil that may abide in the lair. However, all is at least seems peaceful and calm immediately after the victory over the undead dwarven deathlords.  
Hammerfast Guard

Report Date
25 Sep 2023

Cover image: by Stonehaven mini