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Golden City Archives

Founded as a small building during the founding of the Golden City, its growth along with the Golden city has made it a landmark of the money and power of the Golden City. Arguably the largest archive of information in all of Kaliss, the Golden City archive is an environment of scholars from amateur to legend. A large building from the outside, its true beauty occurs when you enter its doors. Instead of growing upwards, the archives descend with endless floors of history, finances, and magic. It is said that you could live an Elven lifetime and never finish the collection within its walls. Be sure when you visit the great archives to seek assistance from the oracles of the Golden City archive, who may know what you want before you know yourself. Be careful though, the lower you go, the deeper the secrets are and if you go into the wrong areas, you may find yourself in more danger than you are prepared for...
The Oracles   Said to be able to see the future, the Oracles are capable of some foresight as well as clairvoyance on present moments. Oracles forgo their names officially and instead become numbered and devoted to specific important figures in Kaliss. It is said that individuals who hold an oracle within the archives are destined for great things. An oracle must hold a passive and neutral approach to their heroes and simply archive their adventures.
Founding Date
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization


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