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The Golden City

The Oasis of Kaliss...

Considered to be the greatest bastion of the Golden Sea, the Golden City is the heart of the trade routes between the two sides of Kaliss. Due to the position of the Golden city, the city has its hands within every deal in the entire continent. Holding some of the greatest luxuries in the entirety of Kaliss, it has also served as a hub for the meetings and dealings of high society and governments looking to make great trades. At the top of the city stands the Goldensun family and its matriarch; Shimmer Goldensun. Shimmer Goldensun is one of a long line of Goldensun who have ruled the Golden City for the last 500 years without falter. It is said that specific members of the Goldensun are trained at birth to be the greatest leaders for the Golden City and to maintain the trade routes for the city throughout the country of Kaliss.        From the Matriarch of the Goldensun family to the lowest member of the slums, everyone has a hand to play in the economy of the city. Money in the Golden City is the only thing that pushes the great city forward and that's how the people of the city enjoy it. From the Cities greatest ambassadors to the city runners supplying messages across the rooftops, everyone is out to create deals and sell their products. Its not uncommon to see almost everyone looking to sell or buy something in any part of the city, legally or not.        The Golden Cities towers can be seen across the desert, the golden oasis for all travelers seeking respite within its walls. The brown and golden towers glisten in the Desert sun, only contrasted by the wild and beautiful colors that the fauna hanging from the great buildings, growing despite its desert ecosystem. The Golden City ports connecting to the Golden River allow for trade routes of items not available through the desert, welcoming trades internationally. The further up in the city you travel, the more you are able to see the true wealth of the citizens of the Golden city.        Entering the Golden City, be sure to visit the vendors from all over the country, looking to sell their many wares from all over the world of Ulsai. Be sure to look upon the great gardens within the city, tended to by the City's Druidic Guard. You can spectate a match within the coliseum, where many high society members look to shake hands on important dealings while watching blood sport below.
[Shown above is an example of a Goldenese Citizen]
The Fast moving nature of the city has created a culture where individuals are forced to stand out to be unique. large Piercings and tattoo or even permanent scarring are very common among the common folk in the Golden city in an attempt to stand out. Many individuals will attempt to flaunt vast apparel as showings of their wealth often greatly exaggerating features of their race, species, or family. This culture further separates the rich of the Golden city from the poor by often wearing the most expensive and profitable gems and treasures that they possess.
Founding Date
Aprox. the end of the age of heros
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Oasis of Kaliss
A Goldenese
Ruling Organization
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Market economy
Universal Gold system
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
The Fauna of the Golden City   Due to the efforts of the City Druids, a order that has come into fruition in the last century, many of the fauna that should not be able to live in the city has been able to flourish with great success. It is the job of the city druids to find the best locations in the city for the plants to prosper and to create natural wonders through the usage of their powers. Heading this order is the head druid, Caleb Goldensun, who leads the order with a iron fist and has seeks to take over after the Matriarch

trade partners


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