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This island is largely covered in swamp and jungle, and is populated by druidic Lizardfolk, the Houses on the Marsh who live independently of nearby Allosia.   The island is also inhabited by Mayka'luna, the Great Hag who acts as a patron to the lizardfolk people, and ensures their survival in exchange for worship and tribute.   The island is mostly swamp and jungle, but the Western tip is populated by an area of dry, petrified trees. There, a thriving colony of basilisk lives. The people of Coliar take advantage of these creatures as part of an ancient ritual to enter the House of Loss without losing their possessions.   Lastly the island is home to the House of Loss, an ancient temple built by a lost great mage of Conjuration.


The island is largely comprised of lowlands, and so is mostly comprised of brackish seawater and swamps. In the elevated areas, the island is home to dense jungle. There is one short mountain near the center of the island, which is also densely covered in foliage. The mountain is believed to be an inactive volcano.


The island would normally not sustain life well, but the waters of the island mysteriously never poison their drinkers, despite being salty. There are springs of divinely fresh water that flow from the mountain and allow life to flourish, as well. The swamps, nourished by these springs, contain creatures that grow large and dangerous.
Alternative Name(s)
The Scalesong Marsh
Included Locations
Characters in Location
Related Tradition (Primary)


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