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Loss Guardian

Loss Guardians are aggregates of smaller, fragmentary spirits that have been compiled into a stone form. They were created by Muros, the Thief to act as the stewards and guardians of his House of Loss  Loss Guardians are constructs that do not need to eat, breath, or sleep, and make perfect guards for these reasons. Their leaden eyes are able to fire off a green ray of paralysis that immobilizes their target. This was intended to be a non-lethal way of dealing with intruders to the House. Whether or not this was their original purpose, the Loss Guardians of today do not use this ability with non-lethality in mind. Rather, they simple take advantage of the fact that it is much easier to crush the bones of a paralyzed intruder than a mobile one.

Basic Information


Loss Guardians' bodies are made of stone, carved into the shape of a human form. A corkscrewing pattern twists down their body, beginning at a large talisman in the shape of an eye, which is embedded into the center of where their face would be. The talisman is made of lead. The creatures most often rest their stony arms crossed across their chest, but they are capable of moving them with great strength and speed. Their arms, wrists, shoulders, and waist are also adorned with lead rings. Some of these rings are further decorated with small gemstones, which slowly blink with green and red light from within.   Their legs are solid and rigid, and the Loss Guardians achieve locomotion by levitating magically.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Loss Guardians are able to see perfectly in the dark. Their lead eyes actually do not intake light. Rather, they perceive their surroundings by constantly firing off magical particles which return to them after making contact with something. This means that Loss Guardians are curiously unable to see through glass or other translucent materials.


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