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Garmarkian Dualism

Garmarkian Dualism's two deities are Orosh the Watcher, symbolized by an open eye, and Dergrima the Punisher, symbolized by an executioner's axe.   In Garmark, it is believed that a bad conscience and the feeling of being watched is the same thing. Orosh is of course always watching, but if you think bad thoughts or perform bad actions, he will watch you even closer. When Orosh watches you closely, his gaze can be painful for the soul to endure. Therefore, Garmarkians colloquially say "I am watched" instead of "I am sorry", when they have a bad conscience. This is usually reciprocated with a "you are blessed" from the person you are speaking with (the feeling of being watched is considered a blessing and a reminder to follow the right ways).   Garmarkians often say "I am watched" in many other occasions, like when they meet a friend, or conclude a business deal.   If Orosh sees that you live an unrighteous life, he will inform Dergrima. Dergrima will try to steer you to the right path by giving you signs like bad health, bad luck, friends turning enemies, or pushing you towards financial ruin. If you don't steer onto the right path and repent, she will try to take your life before you spread your sin further. She does this either through arranging an accident, or by making you so miserable that you perform the act yourself. There are three ways you become aware of Dergrima's looming curse. Either you look at your behavior and see that it is sinful—this is the unholy way, or you are made aware of your sins by feeling Orosh's gaze—this is a blessing. The third way is when Dergrima lets her axe fall and you are struck with one of the curse's symptoms.   When this happens, you must seek a priest and work together with them. First of all, you need to find out what sins you have commited, which can be a hard process if you are not willing to accept that you have in fact sinned. When you realize what your sins are, you need to find out how to repent for them. Your priest will help you with this.   During the punishment, you may feel pain. This is Orosh's gaze focusing on you and making sure the punishment is adequate.   The upper classes are of course better educated, and does not have the same trouble walking the righteous line. If they do however steer off, they have other options to repent. It is painful to part with wealth, so precisely that may be a suitable punishment in lieu of more corporeal ways.

Tenets of Faith

Conform to the values your priests teach you.
Help your fellow man conform to the values.
If you cannot help your fellow man, seek assistance in the clergy.
Attend to the religious gatherings so you may learn the latest teachings.   Non-conformity is a sin and a threat to the unity of our people.
Avoiding your duties is heresy.


The priests of Garmarkian Dualism are learned men and women that help their followers confess and repent their sins. They are experts in carrying out punishments or providing assistance for the followers to punish themselves.   The common man has no business trying to interpret the ways of Orosh and Dergrima, that is a privilege of the clergy. If the upper classes appear to act in contrast to the teachings without experiencing punishment, it is a blessed sign that Orosh and Dergrima work in ways that uneducated citizens cannot comprehend. After all, the wealthy people have clearly not been cursed with bad fortune, ergo, they must live righteous lives.   If you are of common birth and uneducated, it is dangerous to try to interpret the teachings yourself, as it may lead you to ruin. Being a Garmarkian priest however, is a high privilege. Your education provides you with the tools needed to interpret the teachings correctly and thus lead a righteous life. With this righteousness you avoid the punishment commoners require.   Your time is of course valuable, but if a person with coin requires special guidance and customized interpretations, you may of course choose to provide it for a cost.   The highest ranking priest has the title of High Repented . They are considered to have the utmost and perfect understanding of the teachings, and are therefore infallible in their thoughts and actions.   Garmarkian priests are skilled in interrogation and extracting secrets from people, and they have ways to raise morale among their followers. Because of this, they are sometimes deployed in war situations. Some are trained fighters and follow troops on the front lines, keeping them in line and making sure they don't route. Their skill with words and statecraft can also make them useful infiltrators and diplomats.

Granted Divine Powers

The priests of Garmarkian dualism are granted powers of divination through Orosh, and powers to inflict pain through Dergrima the Punisher. The deities may help them carry out their tasks in other ways as well.
Religious, Organised Religion
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Permeated Organizations

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