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Garmark Theocracy

Garmark is a nation across the Alandor Sea to the east.


Garmark as a whole is made up of several smaller states ruled by their respective ruling families. The head of the nation is in charge of coordinating business that affects them as a whole, such as wars, unrest, famine, or other threats against the nation. They are also responsible of keeping the order and tradition between the states.   The families are always engaged with each other in multilayered two-faced politics involving subterfuge, smearing, political sabotage, assassinations, and other clandestine activities. This is always denied officially, but it's more or less a known fact.   It's common for a ruler to rise to power by extortion and threatening the people that actually possess military or economic power. One could almost say that the ruling class has a fond respect for a person who is skilled at subterfuge, and see it as a positive characteristic and power in itself.   Once a ruler achieves a seat of power, they are quick to eliminate any disloyal underlings and replace them with those they trust.


Garmark has a rather muted artistic expression. It's frowned upon to be too creative in how you express yourself, so most artists conform to the agreed-upon art styles.   Any art style that romanticizes difference in thinking is forbidden, out of fear that it would create a blight upon the social unity.   The most prominent art is dedicated to visualize the strengths of Garmark, through epic imagery of glorious battles, to music about the heroic companies who produce the goods required for the people to prosper.   Some of the more somber artists often depict the life of the common man as one of hard struggle and many pains. This is accepted as long as it's in the context that Garmark provides the power to overcome these hardships which, after all, is part of all life, Garmarkian or not.

Public Agenda

The Garmark nation promises strength and glory to all its people no matter who you are. The path to this high end may be filled with pain and sacrifice, but that is something Garmark is willing to selflessly take on.


Garmark's strength comes from a tight control over its large population of orc serfs. In case of war, the workforce can quickly produce crude weapons and armor, and the nation has the infrastructure to quickly train and mobilize new fighters.

Demography and Population

The two main races in Garmark are humans and orcs. The humans are predominant in the ruling classes, with orcs generally finding themselves in the lower classes. The division is mainly due to social factors, history, and traditions. There are no written rules or laws preventing orcs to live or work in the upper areas of society.


Garmark does not have a national military, instead, military units are provided by the ruling families who owns, equips, and trains them.   The Garmarkian art of war is focused a lot around the fact that it's hard to organize these motley bands, but they have somehow learned how to handle it.   There are some professional military units with elite training and high quality equipment, but the vast majority are ad-hoc quickly trained levies, equipped with what could be produced in short time anytime a conflict arises.   The professional military units usually serve as mercenaries whenever Garmark is at peace.   Cavalry is uncommon, but there are some light cavalry scouts and skirmishers, and some elite heavy cavalry bodyguards accompanying the commanders.

Technological Level

Garmark is in no way leading in technological advancements, but they have a way of getting their hands on new discoveries through trade deals and other means.


As part of every-day life, you are expected to perform certain religious rituals and attend temple gatherings. You are also expected to meet with a cleric regularly to talk about any troubles you might have keeping in line with good Garmarkian values.   The higher up in society you are, the more prevalent religious rites are, and the upper classes attend privileged secret gatherings to pay their respects to the Garmarkian twin gods.

Foreign Relations

Garmark is very militaristic and uses their military power as their prime diplomatic playing card. They promise support for their friends and ruin for their enemies.   The Kingdom of Súmina is their main enemy, and several wars have been fought between the two nations. The people despise each other, there are practically no communication, and the emotions on both sides often boil down to "kill on sight".   The Kingdom of Alandor is geographically isolated from Garmark and powerful enough not to get too much attention, but the diplomatic relations are nonetheless tense.


Garmark has strong laws against antisocial conduct, which includes e.g. unnatural behaviour, heresy, and disorderly conduct. Because of their orc population, the lawmakers have argued to keep harsh punishment—including mutilation and execution—for many of the crimes against state.

Agriculture & Industry

Garmark has large areas of fertile land, and a workforce of serfs to work it. Garmark also utilizes the serf workforce to produce a lot of low-quality tools, weapons, and items.


Garmark has a well-functioning autonomous education system for those who can afford it. It's not socially funded—and the price is high—so it's mostly a privilege for the upper classes.   There are specialized institutions to give workers the necessary basic education to perform their given tasks. These institutions are run by the owners of the respective industries.

Power through unity

Garmark Theocracy and Kingdom of Súmina Base Map Image
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Alternative Names
Government System
Economic System
Market economy
The Garmark Tarsh, denominated in copper, silver, gold, and platinum. Each denomination is worth 10 of the lower one.   The denominations are actually made out of much cheaper metals than their name implies, and the wealthier Garmarkians often use foreign currency out of vanity.
Major Exports
Common crops from the many hard worked Garmarkian fields.
Major Imports
Mainly raw materials such as lumber and iron, but also luxurious trade goods consumed by the upper classes.
Official State Religion

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