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Orphaned at a young age, Mikaeus’ criminal career started early with pickpocketing and gambling tricks. Eventually, his many petty crimes drew attention from the Thieves’ Guild, who were interested in his potential. He spent the next 10 years working for The Guild, but became disillusioned when he realized how much they were holding him back. Skilled in infiltration, heists, and spotless murder, Mikaeus left, against The Guild’s wishes, for a job for an anonymous client that ended being everything he could have ever asked for. The job was successful, and the person he had been chosen to work with, quite the partner. Quickly after the job had ended, Mikaeus proposed a business deal. He would be the charming, lovely face to clients seeking their services, The Mask would be the intel, and Mikaeus would hit the mark. Grifting ain’t easy, and it always helps to have a team.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mikaeus is a man of average height, and slim build. His features are sharp and pointed, with a well defined nose & brow.

Facial Features

Mikaeus has a vertical piercing in his right eyebrow, and also wears hoops on both of his horns for extra decoration.

Apparel & Accessories

Mikaeus always wears a pair of leather gloves, and is always dressed to kill. Pun intended.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Mikaeus uses he/him pronouns.


Mikaeus is attracted to men, and is not shy about it. In fact, when he is not on a job, he's often found drinking in expensive bars to pick up and bring back home. The Mask never accepts his invitations to accompany him.


Proprietor of MTM Solutions, a problem-solving firm that he and The Mask started together with funds from their first job together.

Mental Trauma

The list of mental traumas one might list if they were able to watch Mikaeus' life unfold from birth could possibly fill pages. Orphans are very rarely ever lucky enough to live the life of the untraumatized.

Morality & Philosophy

Morals are for people who have better lots in life. Mikaeus never had the luxury of that, and doesn't plan on changing his outlook any time soon.

Personality Characteristics


Everything Mikaeus does is for his own benefit. He has refused to let life deal him a bad hand, and swaps out cards at his leisure. No one and nothing can stop him when he sets out on a path for his own betterment.

Likes & Dislikes

  • gambling
  • spirits
  • fine clothing
  • The Mask
  • skulls
  • nosy people
  • filth
  • dogs
  • cheapskates

Vices & Personality flaws

There's very little Mikaeus enjoys more than going out drinking & bedding random men. Except, perhaps, adding to, and caring for his collections.


Mikaeus is methodical about perfection. Cleanliness is part of this fascination. His ever present gloves are to keep his fingernails from becoming dirty or stained. For a job he might make exceptions, but he absolutely does not do so happily, and requires a deep, scalding cleanse afterwards in order to set things to right.


Contacts & Relations

Mikaeus has a large circle of various contacts and clients from the past that he uses for better notoriety and favors, but he doesn't have what you would call "friends". The closest thing Mikaeus has to a friend is The Mask. Having met on the first job Mikaeus ever ran outside of the Thieves' Guild, they're an impeccable team. Neither ask too many questions about the other, and they both like it that way.

Family Ties

Mikaeus was orphaned at the age of 9. His mother died in childbirth, and his father never remarried. His father became ill from an unknown illness, and when he passed there was no one left.

Social Aptitude

Mikaeus is incredibly skilled at speaking to people, strangers or not, and telling them exactly what they want to hear, whether he believes it or not.

Wealth & Financial state

Mikaeus has worked his way from orphaned destitution to a decently comfortable living, especially since he left the Guild five years ago.

Proprietor of MTM Solutions in Barovia, Mikaeus spends his times solving clients' various problems using his wide array of talents, along with his business partner, The Mask. Murders, stolen items, grifts, they do it all.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 9"
150 lbs
Known Languages
Mikaeus speaks Common and Elvish.

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Journal Entry

I am no longer confident in things here. [Ink pools slightly here, a sign of the pen sitting on the page longer than it should as the writer considers the next sentence.] My meeting with Thomas has left me unsure whether I was ever actually the lead in this partnership or not. It’s not as if I’m unused to being used or manipulated. Simply that I am aware of these times, my role in them, and how I stand to benefit from being a tool.   And, I had the dream again. Same as it always is. But it’s been a while. I am no longer a child, scared in the dark of the dead and dying. Fears like that have little hold over me anymore. I have ensured that anything that might compromise my goals has scarred over & drained out of me. All that is left is what is needed to do what must be done. To ensure that I have everything I deserve.   I suppose, in the long run, it matters not if we are using each other to further our own independent goals. I am not an unreasonable man.

Journal Entry

I’ve been played a fool. How very gauche. I am made to belittle myself in the name of cooperation, and this is the return I’ve received. Instead of working towards transcendence together, he has thrown his lot in with something else. Something that he was aware had an active interest in stealing him away from me. In truth, the fault lies with me. I allowed him to worm his way into a higher standing than I should have. I got complacent. And now I linger upon this precipice of sanity because of it. And the one with the audacity to come and scold me? I have well been aware of her ridiculous ideals regarding killing. What sort of mercenary worries with morals? It’s not too late to change, she says. What trite. We are what we are until the end of time. What I am will lead me to greatness or death. And I haven’t died yet.

Journal Entry

Everything is normal. I have what is mine, again, albeit in a less artistic form. I will admit here alone that the incontrollable urge to decimate those that touch my things is rather cumbersome at times. But it’s certainly not the first time I’ve acted in such a manner. Simply lay on the charm and the pleasantries for a little while and it will be forgotten again. He’s more susceptible to manipulation than he realizes. Although I suppose that’s what has him so eager to be the plaything of whatever is in that crystal. I’m still not convinced that the Guild wasn’t at least partially involved in this, however. The note could have been entirely inconsequential to the robbery. The fact that only the names beginning with K were missing is enough proof for me to know that this was targeted. If The Mask was truly not involved as he says, then I will not be forced to do away with a useful tool in my pocket. But it means keeping whatever this hunter is at bay. If he was involved, and I have chosen to take him at his words and this entire crystal hunter schtick is simply a façade... Well, he is a fool, not an idiot. I am quite desperate to get my gloves bloody again. This new cabinet is so bare, and I would love to add a hero’s essence to the collection. It is unlikely, however, having been told explicitly on this next assignment to not kill them, and man’s typical and stubborn refusal to part willingly with anything beneath their skin.

Journal Entry

It's been a while since I've been shot. Been longer still since I felt that ephemeral joy that can only come from blood loss. And, yet, still standing. Nothing comes close to it. I had thought to take a souvenir from what could have only been the leader of those shoddy bandits we slaughtered, but then Roji started spewing things about honour. Honour? In fighting? What a ridiculous notion. The only thing that exists in swordplay is the rush of blood, and the time between the seconds. The frantic urge to bite down on their jugular, and feel their warmth in your mouth, running over, as you drink deep from their inconsequential existence. Wouldn't have imagined any of my compatriots here would have any such notion of anything otherwise. She cut off his head, for gods' sakes. I, perhaps, was a bit too forward. I should have gauged their personalities a bit better. And, I wish to The Hells and back that The Mask hadn't mentioned the teeth. Talk about showing your cards. But, I know when there's a battle I can't win, and pound for pound, she has me beat. I'll simply have to be satisfied with rejoining with my current collection. I need to see about the scheduling of that door that Rikkari mentioned. And, while I'm there, I'll bring up the other thief Mask said he recognized from that job. I absolutely do not care about it, but he insists. Although, first, I should definitely see about that medic that was mentioned. I'm not going to turn down free healing.

Journal Entry

Well, things could have gone better, all things considered. I'm no novice when it comes to heists and chicanery, but something seemed off about the job we somehow muddled through. No guards at all on the second floor, and only one locked door, which I wasted my time with breaking a pick when it wasn't even the target. Finished to satisfaction, and who doesn't love a lively sprint down dirty alleyways. Maybe it was just garbage luck. I suppose it doesn't matter. The job is done, and we've been inducted into the Court of Roses. I think? Besides, I have bigger worries. I wasn't concerned at first. Rikkavi had said we were allowed to leave twice a month, so it's not as if it's a prison. But then it's mentioned that we have to ask permission to leave, and then suddenly the opulence of this place seemed very much like a bribe. I'm certainly not opposed to taking bribes. But, I have a business to run, a reputation to protect, and sensitive materials hidden everywhere in the office. I will speak with The Mask and see his opinion on the matter. Of course, he wasn't aware that we even paid the girl at the desk. It's a good thing we never gave her a key. I had been tentative to take any more jobs until we had been granted audience with The Court, so it's not as if we will run risk of losing clients. I wonder if I could request a discreet gathering of my things and have it delivered here. After all, the only reason I kept my collection hidden in the office was to keep it away from the godsdamned landlord at home.

Journal Entry

We arrived back to the office today from the job in Pyre. I say “we”, but, I’m not actually sure where Mask is. He disappeared off the train home. Not unusual, but obnoxious. It wouldn’t usually matter, but when I got in, the girl said we had a letter delivered without a sender. Just slid under the door, apparently. It was a letter from The Court of Roses. A summons. Honestly, I don’t know if I’m surprised or not. Business has been quite successful recently. But The Court? More successful than I even knew, I suppose. There’s a specific time to arrive, and everything. I’d go myself, per usual, but… Something tells me that we’re to arrive together. If this goes well, this could be it. Everything is falling into place. Better than I even expected, really. Now, I’ve just got to find that damned clown & keep him on his best behavior during the meeting. I don’t think he’d ruin it on purpose, but, even after working together for 5 years it’s still hard to pin him down, and I don’t even know what to expect from an invitation to The Court of Roses. Well, other than a hefty payment. In advance, of course. Anyway. We’ve got a few days. If Mask hasn’t shown back up by tomorrow morning, I’ll track him down. Right now, I’ve got the rest of this fifth to take care of, and a brunette waiting on me.


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